Explain how asexual reproduction occurs and how it limits the spread of harmful characteristics


Answer 1
Answer: Asexual reproduction occurs when a single organism has an offspring. Asexual reproduction requires only one parent, and the cells divide by budding, regeneration, or fission. Asexual reproduction limits the spread of harmful characteristics because the offspring is only inheriting from one parent, so therefore it will be inheriting only those characteristics. And the parent would already be adapted to the living environment.
Answer 2


One to two parents are needed  for asexual reproduction to occur. Each offspring is an exact genetic copy of each parent. Asexual reproduction limits harmful characteristics because if an organism doesn't have mutation that is detrimental enough that it dies, the mutation dies with it.


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in the movie The blind side I think that the main character needed all of the Marlow's hierarchy self- actualization,Eateem, Love / belongings , safety, physiologically

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Hope this helps.
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