(4) School districts are now beginning to welcome these different types of information systems that students already know and use (Rostein). (5) If used right, this stuff will be a cool teaching tool, helping teachers facilitate student discussions and learning in a pretty fun, easy way.Which is the best revision of sentence (5)?
If harnessed in an accurate way, this stuff could be a useful teaching tool, helping teachers facilitate student discussions and learning in a fun, easy manner.
If used right, this stuff could be an excellent teaching tool, helping teachers facilitate student discussions and learning in an easier, more relatable way.
If harnessed correctly, this technology will be a useful teaching tool, helping teachers facilitate student discussions and learning in an easier, more relatable manner.
If used correctly, this technology will be a great teaching tool, helping teachers facilitate student discussions and learning in a pretty fun, easy way.


Answer 1
Answer: The best revision would be If used correctly, this technology will be a great teaching tool, helping teachers facilitate student discussions and learning in a pretty fun, easy way. This is because it has the general word and it does not use any highfalutin words at all. 

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The correct answer is the second sentence "Starting on a project at the last minute can increase anxiety". This is correct and the increased anxiety can lead to the failure of the project. This is why one should always start on time.

A definition context clue is:


it’s either b or c, but i’d try c. lmk if this is incorrect.

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1). ... add his order ...
2). ... advise us.
3). ... into the cracks ...
4). He is eligible ...
5). ... extinct.
6). ... until 9:00 PM.
7). ... religious rites ...

Write a subtraction fact with the same difference as 16-7


You can explain this subtraction from many different aspects. One of them could be just working with these given numbers when we increase them proportionally, final answer also increases proportionally. For example,

16 - 7 = 9


160 - 70 = 90

If we add the final results to the subtracted number, we will get the number itself. For example,

16 - 7 = 9

16 = 7+ 9

not hard at all

16 - 7 = 9

so you can mean difference as a percentage of the original statement, as in 160 - 7 = 90

or, just plain simple 9 difference, as in 10 - 1 = 9, or 100 - 91 = 9

Add a suffix to the adjective below to create an adverb.



In most cases, adding -ly to the end of an adjective will create an adverb.

In this case thoughtful will become thoughtfully.

What is the purpose of an expository essay?a. to enlighten
b. to inform
c. to entertain
d. to describe


a. To enlighten that is the purpose
Your answer is A. To enlighten.

Hope this helps.