Which sentence does NOT contain any errors in capitalization?a. I learned about the early cretaceous period at the Natural History Museum.
b. My grandfather, a retired army sergeant, is a veteran of the Korean war.
c. Who teaches Biology II at Zemble Virtual High School?
d. This Fourth of July we're going to New York to see the statue of Liberty


Answer 1
Answer: I would say that the only sentence that doesn't contain any errors in capitalization is C.
In A, Cretaceous should be capitalized.
In B, War should be capitalized.
In D, Statue should be capitalized.

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And turns it to exile; there art thou happy:
A pack of blessings light upon thy back;
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But, like a misbehav’d and sullen wench,
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C.He suggests that death would be preferable.
D.He insists that Romeo find a new woman to love.


Based on the given question the best answer would be: B. He encourages Romeo to escape with Juliet. This is evident in the excerpt, because Friar Laurence wants Romeo to choose happiness and true love. With occurring problems that are appearing in their situation, they should escape and find a way to reconcile with everyone.


B. He encourages Romeo to escape with Juliet.


This is evident in the excerpt, because Friar Laurence wants Romeo to choose happiness and true love. With occurring problems that are appearing in their situation, they should escape and find a way to reconcile with everyone.

Good luck!!

Need help really bad cuz the sentence is hard to correct #4


"We're tired of doing chores everyday," complained Max and Emma.

That's with American punctuation style.
It's "we're tired of"

The sentence reads "were tired of" This kind of were would be used in a sentence like this "we were tired of" This is past tense

The sentence in queston #4 should be "we're tired of" because we're is short for 'we are' So "we're tired of" "we are tired of" This is in the present tense

Hope this helps.

Which sentence uses a verb that agrees with its subject? A.
The retiring members of the chorus are Mr. Dansdill and Mrs. Donnery.

A box of chocolates were left on May's doorstep.

Posters about safety hangs in every office in Town Hall.

The music for this week's concert are on the table.


"The retiring members of the chorus are Mr. Dansdill and Mrs. Donnery" is the only sentence that uses a verb that agrees with its subject. The other have issues with case and number. 
A is the answer for this question. Honestly, read the questions out loud and listen to the way they sound. You'll be able to figure out which ones use bad grammar and which is correctly written. 

What is the meaning of the phrase "the clouds that lour'd upon our house"?


This phrase is from Shakespeare's Richard III in the opening of the play. The first four lines with the given one is:

Now is the winter of our discontent

Made glorious summer by this son of York,

And all the clouds that loured upon our house

In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.

The meaning is that all the troubles of the family have ended and thanks to, King Edward IV. All the clouds that threatened the York family have vanished away.

It is a metaphor for troubles and hard times. He says that these "clouds" are now gone, and this is due to the fact that "the winter of his discontent" is over, due to the joyous reign of king Edward IV. 

Match the description to the term.1. no receiver is named
2. subject is the doer
3. no action is expressed
4. subject is the receiver
5. systematic arrangement of the forms of a verb according to tense, voice, mood, person, and number


1. no receiver is named - 2. intransitive complete

2. subject is the doer - 1.  transitive active

3. no action is expressed - 4. intransitive linking

4. subject is the receiver - 3. transitive passive

5. systematic arrangement of the forms of a verb according to tense, voice, mood, person, and number - 5. conjugation


1. no receiver is named - 2. intransitive complete

2. subject is the doer - 1.  transitive active

3. no action is expressed - 4. intransitive linking

4. subject is the receiver - 3. transitive passive

5. systematic arrangement of the forms of a verb according to tense, voice, mood, person, and number -  conjugation
