Which is the best example of organisms that have been naturally selected


Answer 1
Answer: Dark-Colored peppered moths on soot-covered tree bark during the Industrial Revolution in England

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Identify a range of interventions that can reduce the risk of skin breakdown and pressure sores


We can help prevent bedsores by frequently changing our position to avoid stress on the skin. Some strategies include taking good skin care, maintaining good nutrition and fluid intake, quitting smoking, managing stress, and exercising daily.

What are Bedsores?

Bedsores are also known as pressure ulcers and decubitus ulcers. These are defined as injuries to the skin and underlying tissue that result from prolonged pressure on the skin. Bedsores develop on the skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips and tailbone.

The signs of bedsore are as follows:

  • Abnormal change in skin color or texture
  • Swelling
  • Discharge like pus
  • An area of ​​skin that feels colder or warmer to the touch than other areas
  • Tender area

We can treat the skin slowly to help prevent pressure ulcers or bedsores by:

  • Use a soft sponge or cloth when washing. ,
  • Use moisturizing cream and skin protectant on the skin every day.
  • Clean and dry the area under the breasts and in the groin.
  • Do not use talcum powder or strong soap.

Thus, we can help prevent bedsores by frequently changing our position to avoid stress on the skin. Some strategies include taking good skin care, maintaining good nutrition and fluid intake, quitting smoking, managing stress, and exercising daily.

Learn more about Pressure sores, here:



Certain interventions to reduce the risk of skin breakdown or pressure ulcers are determined according to risk factors. Such includes the assessment of individual patients depending on the case. Generally, patients that are prone to pressure sores are being watched and assessed from time to time. Most of these patients are bedridden or having mobility problems.
Range of Interventions given to reduce the risk are:

1. Follow a specific turning or repositioning schedule for the client. Usually, patients are being turned every two hours. This is also to encourage proper circulation of the body. Take note that mobility is case to case basis. 
2. Keep the skin integrity intact. Always keep the skin clean and dry to avoid acquiring wounds that would lead to infection. The skin acts as the first line of defense of the body against harmful microorganisms.
3. Focus on the bony parts of the body. Usually, this is where pressure sores starts and is the most prone part of the body to acquire pressure ulcers. Make sure that these parts are being mobilized often.
4. Keep the bed clean and fix wrinkled bed sheets. A smooth surface reduces chances of pressure sores.
5. Good and well-balanced nutritional intake should also be considered.

In order to understand how the food you eat helps to fuel your body during exercise, you must first be able to use the vocabulary. review the sentences below and select the term that best completes the sentence. match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. note that some terms will remain unused.



1. Cardiorespiratory exercise, also known as aerobic

exercise, uses oxygen and typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities.

2. Your body produces energy under anaerobic conditions during the first few seconds of intense exercise.

3. When the end phosphate is hydrolyzed from an ATP molecule, ADP is formed, and energy is released.

4.  CP  (Creatine phosphate) is stored in the muscles and is broken down to replenish ATP stores.

5. When participating in low-intensity activities over a long period of time, the body primarily uses fat for energy.

6. A small amount of amino acids

can be utilized for energy production during endurance events, but their primary role is to promote muscle growth and help with repair.

7. Your body burns carbohydrates  for energy during every type of exercise that lasts longer than three seconds. Intensity and duration of exercise will affect the percentage of energy that is derived from this source.

8. Endurance athletes may use a training strategy known as carbohydrate loading  to maximize their body's glycogen stores.

9. The body's preferred carbohydrate source for energy during very high intensity exercise is muscle glycogen.


The correct question includes the following incomplete sentences:

1. Cardiorespiratory exercise, also known as ________ exercise, uses oxygen and typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities.

2. Your body produces energy under _______ conditions during the first few seconds of intense exercise.

3. When the end phosphate is hydrolyzed from an ____ molecule, ADP is formed, and energy is released.

4.  ____ is stored in the muscles and is broken down to replenish ATP stores.

5. When participating in low-intensity activities over a long period of time, the body primarily uses ____ for energy.

6. A small amount of _______ can be utilized for energy production during endurance events, but their primary role is to promote muscle growth and help with repair.

7. Your body burns _______for energy during every type of exercise that lasts longer than three seconds. Intensity and duration of exercise will affect the percentage of energy that is derived from this source.

8. Endurance athletes may use a training strategy known as _________ to maximize their body's glycogen stores.

9. The body's preferred carbohydrate source for energy during very high intensity exercise is _________.

Words to complete are:

  • anaerobic
  • carbohydrate loading
  • ATP
  • carbohydrates
  • aerobic
  • amino acids
  • fat
  • muscle glycogen
  • CP

Physical exercise involves the additional consumption of oxygen and nutrients to compensate for the increased energy demand that such activity entails.

In general, the body uses the energy metabolism to obtain the energy necessary to carry out its functions.Under normal conditions, energy in the form of ATP is obtained from glucose, a carbohydrate, which requires oxygen, to perform aerobic metabolism.

The different types of physical exercise will require, according to their intensity and duration, alternative metabolic pathways, which include the use of lipids and proteins as an energy substrate, as well as anaerobic metabolism, which does not require oxygen, but whose energy output is lower.

The body's carbohydrate reserves are found in the liver and muscle tissue in the form of a glucose polymer called glycogen. Carbohydrate loading is a technique used by high-performance athletes to store as much glucose as possible, with a special and appropriate diet of low-calorie carbohydrates.

Creatine phosphate (CP) -found in muscle- is a donor molecule of phosphate groups, necessary for the production of ATP, through the action of the enzyme creatine phosphate kinase (CPK).

Final answer:

Food is used as fuel for the body, providing energy for physical activities and exercise. It is broken down through digestion, with the energy stored in its molecules released through oxidation. The body regulates its weight based on the balance between the calories ingested and burned.


The body uses the food we eat as fuel, breaking it down during digestion into molecules small enough to be absorbed. These molecules primarily come from carbohydrates and lipids, and to a lesser degree from proteins. These nutrients provide the body with energy (in the form of calories), which is used during physical activities such as exercise.

The process through which food is metabolized is known as oxidation, releasing the chemical potential energy of the ingested food. Much of this energy is converted into ATP, the energy currency of our body's cells. The body is also able to store excess energy as glycogen in the liver and muscles, as well as in fat cells, for future use.

The type of food ingested can affect the body's metabolic rate, with the body requiring less energy to process carbohydrates than proteins. This, in combination with the number of calories ingested and burned, determines an individual's weight. As such, consuming fewer calories than are burned through activity can result in weight loss.

Learn more about Energy from Food here:



Cells responsible for body movement are _____ cells.j


Cells responsible for body movement are _____ cells. Muscles

Scientific models must be able to generate ___________.


Scientific models must be able to generate PREDICTIONS.

Scientific models refers to frameworks, which are used to elucidate and predict the behavior of an object or a system. Scientists usually use models to carry out research and to explain the results of their research. A good and effective scientific model should be able to make accurate predictions.

scentific modela must be able to generate predictions

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