Given the balanced equation: 3fe3+(aq) + al(s) → 3fe2+(aq) + al3+(aq)what is the total number of moles of electrons lost by 2 moles of al(s)?


Answer 1
Answer: Answer is: the total number of moles of electrons lost by two moles of aluminium are six moles (6 mol).
Oxidation half reaction: Al° → Al³⁺ + 3e⁻, lost of electrons.
Reduction half reaction: Fe³⁺ + e⁻→ Fe²⁺ /·3; 3Fe³⁺ + 3e⁻→ 3Fe²⁺; gain of electrons.
One mole of aluminium lost 3 moles of electrons, so 2 moles of alumiunim:
2 · 3 mol = 6 mol.

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Which scientist’s law about the ratios of masses of elements in a compound did John Dalton’s work on the atomic structure help to explain?


Joseph Proust's Law of Definite Proportions state that each compound is composed of exactly the same proportion of elements by mass. This law is independent of how much of the compound is used. For example, water is composed of hydrogen and water. If you take the mass percentages of the two elements, hydrogen will always be 1/9 of water's mass, while oxygen will always be 8/9 of water's mass.

This law helped shape Dalton's work on the Law of Multiple Proportions which states that several compounds can contain the same group of elements. The ratios of the elements' masses in the compounds are always whole numbers.


joseph proust took the edge test


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 The first ionization energy is the energy it takes to remove an electron from a neutral atom. The second ionization energy is the energy it takes to remove an electron from a 1+ ion. (That means that the atom has already lost one electron, you are now removing the second.) The third ionization energy is the energy it takes to remove an electron from a 2+ ion. (That means that the atom has already lost two electrons, you are now removing the third.) 
And 2nd ionization energy is higher than 1st ionization energy, 3rd is higher than 2nd, and so forth. 

Which organic compounds are often used to create fragrances for the perfume industry


Answer: The organic compound used to create fragrances in perfume industry are ester.


Organic compounds are defined as the compounds in which a covalent bond is present between a hydrogen and a carbon atom. These are also known as hydrocarbons.

Esters are an organic compound which have a pleasant and fruity smell and is used in the perfume industry.

Therefore, the organic compound used to create fragrances in perfume industry are ester.

The organic compound often used in perfumes are ESTERS which are sweet smelling substances,  they give the sweet smell to fruits also. 

For the substituted cyclohexane compound given below, highlight the groups – by clicking on atoms – that will sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion.


The atoms that would sterically interact with methyl group located axially are highlighted in pink color in the attached image.

Further Explanation:

The stereoisomer of a molecule that has same chemical formula and connectivity of bond but differs in the arrangement of the atoms in space is known as conformer. The rotation about the carbon-carbon single bond can lead to the formation of conformer of a molecule.

There are four conformers of cyclohexane molecule as follows:

  • Chair conformation
  • Boat conformation
  • Twist boat conformation
  • Half chair conformation

Chair conformation is considered as the best conformation of cyclohexane. The hydrogen in blue denote the axial positions and the hydrogen in pink denote equatorial positions. (Refer to the attached image)

The stable conformation is that in which the bulky groups such as hydroxyl, methyl, and nitro group occupy the equatorial positions while the relatively small groups such as hydrogen atoms occupy axial positions. The reason is that the axially placed substituents suffer more steric repulsion and that generates strain in the molecule. The strain leads to high energy and thus less stability.

While writing the chair conformation the bulkier groups are preferentially placed at equatorial positions. The conformation that has bulky group at equatorial position is more favorable than the conformation that has bulky group at axial position. The reason for the stability of the conformation is diaxial interactions.

1,3-diaxial interaction: The 1,3-diaxial interactions occur among the axial substituent present at 1 and 3 positions.

The conformation in the problem has axial substituent hydrogen and bromine at the two positions 3 and 3’ which lead to 1,3-diaxial strain in the molecule and makes it unstable. (Refer to the attached image)

Learn more:

1. Balanced chemical equation

2. Oxidation and reduction reaction:

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Conformation of cyclohexane  

Keywords: Cyclohexane, planar, chair conformation, axial positions, equatorial positions, steric repulsion, high energy, 1, 3-diaxial interaction, 1, 3-diaxial strain.

Final answer:

In a substituted cyclohexane, 1,3-diaxial interactions happen between groups on the same side of the ring but are two carbons apart. In this scenario, the hydrogen atoms on carbons 3 and 5 would interact with the methyl group, causing steric strain.


In a substituted cyclohexane compound, 1,3-diaxial interactions occur between groups that are on the same side of the ring but are two carbons apart. In this case, the question focuses on the steric interactions with the methyl group. Assuming that the methyl group is on carbon-1 of the ring, the hydrogen atoms on carbons 3 and 5 (both axial positions) on the same face of the ring would sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion. This steric interaction leads to steric strain, which destabilizes the compound and promotes a conformational flip to relieve this strain.

Learn more about Steric Interactions here:


An aqueous solution has a mass of 490 gramscontaining 8.5 103 gram of calcium ions. The
concentration of calcium ions in this solution is
(1) 4.3 ppm (3) 17 ppm
(2) 8.5 ppm (4) 34 ppm


One way of expressing concentration is by expressing it by parts per million or ppm. Parts per million is equal to 1 milligram of solute per kilogram of solution. The problem is solved as follows:
ppm = .0085103 mg / .490 kg = 0.017 ppm

1. Mendeleev organized elements in his periodic table in order of increasing ____________________. 2. You are given the melting points of three unknown substances and are asked to predict which one is an ionic compound. You would select the compound with the ____________________ melting point.

3. Two factors that determine whether a molecule is polar are the types of atoms in the molecule and the ____________________ of the molecule.

4. According to John Dalton’s observations, when elements combine in a compound

A. The ratio of their masses is always the same.
B. Each element contributes an equal number of atoms.
C. Their volumes are always equal.
D. Their masses are always equal.

5. Democritus thought that matter was made of tiny particles

A. Of earth, air, fire, and water.
B. That could not be divided.
C. That could be divided.
D. That were all round and smooth

6. Rutherford’s gold foil experiment provided evidence for which of the following statements?

A. Negative and positive charges are spread evenly throughout an atom.
B. Alpha particles have a positive charge.
C. Gold is not as dense as previously thought.
D. There is a dense, positively charged mass in the center of an atom.

7. Which statement about subatomic particles is true?

A. Protons, neutrons, and electrons all have about the same mass.
B. Unlike protons or neutrons, electrons have no mass.
C. Neutrons have no charge and no mass.
D. An electron has far less mass than either a proton or neutron.

8. Which statement is true about oxygen-17 and oxygen-18?

A. They do not have the same number of protons.
B. Their atoms have an identical mass.
C. They are isotopes of oxygen.
D. They have the same mass number.

9. Which statement accurately represents the arrangement of electrons in Bohr’s atomic model?

A. Electrons vibrate in fixed locations around the nucleus.
B. Electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with energies that vary from level to level.
C. Electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with equal amounts of energy.
D. Electrons travel randomly in the relatively large space outside the nucleus.

10. What does the electron cloud model describe?

A. The most likely locations of electrons in atoms
B. The precise locations of electrons in atoms
C. The number of electrons in an atom
D. The mass of the electrons in an atom

11. What is the difference between an atom in the ground state and an atom in an excited state?

A. The atom in the ground state has less energy and is less stable than the atom in an excited state.
B. The atom in an excited state has one fewer electron than the atom in the ground state.
C. The atom in an excited state has more energy and is less stable than the atom in the ground state.
D. The atom in an excited state has one more electron than the atom in the ground state.

12. The usefulness of Mendeleev’s periodic table was confirmed by

A. the discovery of subatomic particles.
B. its immediate acceptance by other scientists.
C. the discovery of elements with predicted properties.
D. the discovery of the nucleus.

13. Atoms of the most reactive elements tend to have

A. one or seven valence electrons.
B. eight valence electrons.
C. four or five valence electrons.
D. no valence electrons.


1. Atomic Mass

2. Highest melting point

3. Configuration

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. C

13. A

Final answer:

This answer explains chemical concepts related to the periodic table, atomic theory, the nature of molecules, and properties of subatomic particles.


1. Mendeleev organized elements in his periodic table in order of increasing atomic mass.

2. You would select the compound with the highest melting point as the ionic compound.

3. The types of atoms in the molecule and the shape of the molecule determine whether a molecule is polar.

4. According to Dalton, The ratio of their masses is always the same when elements combine in a compound.

5. Democritus thought that matter was made of tiny particles that could not be divided.

6. Rutherford’s gold foil experiment provided evidence that there is a dense, positively charged mass in the center of an atom.

7. It’s true that an electron has far less mass than either a proton or neutron.

8. Oxygen-17 and oxygen-18 are isotopes of oxygen.

9. In Bohr’s atomic model, electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with energies that vary from level to level.

10. The electron cloud model describes the most likely locations of electrons.

11. An atom in an excited state has more energy, and is less stable than an atom in the ground state.

12. The usefulness of Mendeleev’s periodic table was confirmed by the discovery of elements with predicted properties.

13. Atoms of the most reactive elements tend to have one or seven valence electrons.

Learn more about Chemical Concepts here:
