A stabbing victim sustained a perforation to his large intestine. from the outermost layer to the innermost layer, what is the order in which the knife penetrated his intestine?


Answer 1
Answer: The outermost layer of the intestine is called the serosa which is a smooth membrane that is compose of a thin layer of cells secreting the serous fluid and also connective tissue. The muscularis is compose of muscle next to the submucosa and responsible for peristalsis and lastly the mucosa. So the answers would be serosa, muscularis externa,submucosa and mucosa.

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Gnathostomes are jawed vertebrates, so they have jaws. 

How many egg chromosome number do human, cat, onions, rye, guinea pig, and chiken have??


all humans have 46 chromosomes, and 23 chromosome pairs. one chromosome from each pair goes into a child at conception. there is only one chromosome pair that determines gender
If you are talking about women and eggs for babies, it's 24. the guy also has 24 and when they make a baby they come together with 48.

Drosophila eye color is an X-linked trait. Red eye color is dominant, and white eye color is recessive. Which Punnett square shows the probability that 100 percent of offspring will have red eyes?


"Drosophila eye color is an X-linked trait. Red-eye color is dominant, and white eye color is recessive." The Punnett square that shows the probability that 100 percent of offspring will have red eyes is red-eyed (X^WX^w) chart. This is further explained below.

What is Drosophila eye color?

Generally Drosophila eye color is simply defined as Large and brightly colored eyes are a distinguishing feature of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.

In conclusion, Drosophila eye color is asex lined trait.

Read more about Drosophila




the answer is A ,


just read the chart

Write a definition of homologous chromosomes using the terms “gene” and “allele.”


Homologous chromosomes contain the same genes and the same locations, or loci but may have different alleles. But jsut so this definition makes sense, lets define some of the words. 
A gene contains the traits that is passed down from two parents to its offspring. An allele is one part of a pair of genes that are located in a particular spot that controls the same trait.

If a single mutation turns off the growth of some pairs of legs within an organism, what's most likely affected?


The obvious choice would be the hox gene.

How can i put punnett square in to a sentence?


I enjoyed learning about punnet square in school.
Sally did not know how to use a punnett square, so I taught her how to use it.