English Questions

Fill in the missing words and pharses:1.Boarding school,2. orphanages,3. basic,4. ill-behaved,5. school master,6. are at the top,7. well disciplined,8. bright,9. work by fits and starts,10. are at the bottom,11. course,12. ten-point scale system,13. lag behind,14. to catch up with,15. provides education,16 private,17 the teaching staff,18 sick room,19 cut lessons,20. subdived.a)The sudent's knowleadge in the schools of Moldova is appreciated according to... ... ... ... .b) At present when the country goes through a severe economic decline... ... ...is not offered an adequate remuneration and as a result lots of teachers abandon schools.c) Modern school curriculum...comprehensive... to all the pupils.d)When a student gets sick at a lesson, he usually goes to the school... ... .e)Most of well-off pupils in Chisinau attend ... schools.f) Schoolchildren who often miss school for illnesses usually... ... and then they have... ... ... those who don't miss classes.g) Lazy and... ... children always ... ... ... and usually... ... ... ... of their classes.And on the contrary,...and... ...kids usually ... ... ... ... of their classes.h) We have recently started a new... of study.i) My cousin Cornel sometimes likes ... ... lesons and the ... ... tolf him he would be punished one day.j) At English lessons our subgroup is often... into paris for making microdialogues.k) The... goal of our schoolmates and classmates is o study well.l) A ... ... is a school for gifted children ; children who have no parents live and study in ... .