Which of the following statements is true of recombinant batteries? A. They recombine oxygen.
B. They're able to produce a higher voltage.
C. They're vented to release gassing.
D. They recombine sulfuric acid.


Answer 1

I’d go for (A) as the right choice.

The basic principles of Oxygen-recombination chemistry hasbeen combined to traditional lead batteries technology to produceValve-regulated lead-acid battery (VRLA), also called recombinant batteries. The applicationof oxygen cycle to VRLA, at first, is much more difficult. However, if correctprinciples are followed, it becomes easy.

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Seasons Write a program that takes a date as input and outputs the date's season. The input is a string to represent the month and an int to represent the day. Ex: If the input is April 11, the output is: spring In addition, check if the string and int are valid (an actual month and day). Ex: If the input is invalid, the output is: invalid The dates for each season are: spring: March 20 - June 20 summer: June 21 - September 21 autumn: September 22 - December 20 winter: December 21 - March 19



#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   string inputMonth;

   int inputDay;

   cin >> inputMonth >> inputDay;

   if (inputMonth == "January" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "February" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 29)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "April" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "May" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "July" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "August" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "October" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "November" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "March" && inputDay >= 20 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "June" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 20)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "June" && inputDay >= 21 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "September" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 21)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "September" && inputDay >= 22 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "December" && inputDay >= 0 && inputDay <= 20)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "December" && inputDay >= 21 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "March" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 19)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;


       cout << "Invalid" << endl;

   return 0;




input_month = input()

input_day = int(input())

months= ('January', 'February','March', 'April' , 'May' , 'June' , 'July' , 'August' , 'September' , "October" , "November" , "December")

if not(input_month in months):


elif input_month == 'March':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):

       print ("Invalid")

   elif input_day<=19:



       print ("Spring")

elif input_month == 'April' :

   if not(1<=input_day<=30):




elif input_month == 'May':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == 'June':

   if not(1<=input_day<=30):


   elif input_day<=20:

       print ("Spring")



elif input_month == 'July':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):





elif input_month == 'August':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == 'September':

   if not(1<=input_day<31):


   elif input_day<=21:

       print ("Summer")


       print ("Autumn")

elif input_month == "October":

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == "November":

   if not(1<=input_day<=30):



       print ("Autumn")

elif input_month == "December":

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):


   elif input_day <=20:

       print ("Autumn")


       print ("Winter")

elif input_month == 'January':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == "February":

   if not(1<=input_day<=29):



       print ("Winter")


Good luck in the rest of your class!

A majority of the people whose information was compromised are homeless; therefore there is no easy way to contact them in order to alert them of the security breach. How should Data-Time Inc. manage this breach in security


Incomplete question. Here's the full question:

Data-Time Inc. is a company that manages databases for a large city in Colorado. Included in these databases is information collected from the city’s homeless shelters and free clinics. Specifically, the databases contain personal information of the users of these services over the past 10 years; this includes people’s Social Security numbers and health records.

This data is highly secure and only accessible to the employees of Data-Time Inc. Employees are given a laptop when they are hired which allows them to access the database remotely. Unfortunately, one of these laptops is stolen and the security of the database is compromised.

A majority of the people whose information was compromised are homeless; therefore there is no easy way to contact them in order to alert them of the security breach. How should Data-Time Inc. manage this breach in security?


Since the emphasis is not on reversing the breach that has occurred, but on managing the level of security damage that could occur, it is important measures are directed towards preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

For example, the Media Access Control Address (MAC address) of the laptop if known could be greylisted from accessing the server that contains the sensitive information.

Write a program to read a list of exam scores given as integer percentages in the range 0-100. Display the total number of grades in each letter grade defined as follows:90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, 70-79 is a C, 60-69 is a D, 0-59 is an F. Use a negative score as a sentinel to indicate the end of the input. (The negative value is used just to end the loop, do not use it in the calculations). Then output the highest and lowest score, and the average score.For example if the input is: 72 98 87 50 70 86 85 78 73 72 72 66 63 85 -1the output would be:Total number of grades = 14Number of As =1Number of Bs = 4Number of Cs = 6Number of Ds = 2Number of Fs = 1The highest score is 98The lowest score is 50The average is 75.5This is what I have so far and it is not working correctly:public static void main(String[] args) {// scannerScanner scnr =new Scanner (System.in);//ints grades and countint x;int A = 0;int B = 0;int C = 0;int D = 0;int F = 0;int count = 1;//int min max totalint min, max;int total = 0 ;//doubledouble average;//prompt user for inputSystem.out.print("Please enter the exam scores as integer ");System.out.print("percentages in the rage 0-100. ");System.out.println("Please end the list with a negative integer.");//scnrx = scnr.nextInt();min = x;max = x;//while loopwhile (x >= 0){x = scnr.nextInt();if (x >= 0){total = total + x;count++;if (x < min)min = x;if (x > min)max = x; }while (x >= 90 && x <= 100) {x = scnr.nextInt();A++;//Grade Bif (x >= 80 && x <= 89)B++;//Grade Cif (x >= 70 && x <= 79)C++;//Grade Dif (x >= 60 && x <= 69)D++;//Grade Fif (x >= 0 && x <= 59)F++;}}// averageaverage = total/count;//results/outputSystem.out.println("Total number of grades: " + count);System.out.println("Number of A's: " + A);System.out.println("Number of B's: " + B);System.out.println("Number of C's: " + C);System.out.println("Number of D's: " + D);System.out.println("Number of F's: " + F);System.out.println("Highest score: " + max);System.out.println("Lowest score: " + min);System.out.println("Average: " + average);}}


system out print , 100-5292

Which of the following function declarations correctly expect an array as the first argument?Question 1 options:

void f1(int array, int size);

void f1(int& array, int size);

void f1(int array[100], int size);

void f1(float array[], int size);

All of the above

C and D

A and B




Option: void f1(float array[], int size);

is valid.


To pass an array as argument in a function, the syntax should be as follows:

functionName (type arrayName[ ] )

We can't place the size of the array inside the array bracket (arrayName[100]) as this will give a syntax error. The empty bracket [] is required to tell the program that the value that passed as the argument is an array and differentiate it from other type of value.

Write the prototype for a function named showSeatingChart that will accept the following two-dimensional array as an argument. const int ROWS = 20; const int COLS = 40; string seatingChart[ROWS][COLS]; Note: The two-dimensional array argument must be a const string array. You must include a second integer argument (scalar, not an array).



See explaination


void showSeatingChart(string seatingChart[20][40], const int ROWS, const int COLS){

for(int i = 0;i<ROWS;i++){

for(int j = 0;j<COLS;j++){

cout<<seatingChart[i][j]<<" ";





File Letter Counter Write a program that asks the user to enter the name of a file, and then asks the user to enter a character. The program should count and display the number of times that the specified character appears in the file. Use Notepad or another text editor to create a sample file that can be used to test the program.



The solution code is written in Python.

  1. fileName = input("Enter file name: ")
  2. target = input("Enter target character: ")
  3. with open(fileName, "r")as reader:
  4.    content = reader.read()
  5.    print(content.count(target))


Firstly, use input() function to prompt user for a file name. (Line 1)

Next, we use input() function again to prompt user input a target character (Line 2)

Create a reader object and user read() method to copy entire texts from to the variable content (Line 4 - 5).

At last we can get the number of times the specified character appears in the file using the Python string built-in method count() (Line 6)