If you were going to buy a car, would you buy a electric or gasoline powered car? why or why not


Answer 1
Answer: i would buy electric because it is cheaper and safer for the earth:)
Answer 2
Answer: I would buy an electric powered car. Gasoline is more expensive, since the price goes up and down constantly. Electricity is always the same amount of money. It is easy to charge especially if you get a electric car that when charged runs all day. You also use plenty of electricity every day anyway. Computers, chargers, hair products, stove/oven, microwave, refrigerator. This may raise it slightly but, it would be convenient. The only thing that I can say that is inconvenient about an electric car is that if you have a scheduled power outage or the power goes out, how are you to charge your car? That is when a gasoline powered car comes in handy. 

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B. Republican Party
C.Democratic-Republican Party
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The two political parties that were rivals from 1834 to 1854 were:

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Political rivalry in the U.S. from 1834 to 1854.

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Find out more on the Whig Party at brainly.com/question/11942666.

A. and D. between 1828 and 1854 is when these two parties ran against one another, The Whig party was in short a "Very Early" version of the republican party that meant "Opposing Tyranny" and ran against the growing Democratic/Federalist Party. Hope this helps!