A 5 kg sledge hammer is held over head (2 meters above the ground). What is the maximum amount of work it can do if it falls to the ground?


Answer 1
Answer: The maximum amount of work that the hammer can do while falling to the ground is equal to its variation of gravitational potential energy, which is given by:
\Delta U = mg\Delta h
where m is the mass of the hammer, g is the gravitational acceleration, h is the variation in altitude of the hammer.

Plugging the data of the problem inside the equation, we find
W=mg\Delta h=(5 kg)(9.81 m/s^2)(2 m)=98.1 J

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2.5 m/s

0 m/s


Average speed is distance over time.

Average velocity is displacement over time.

The bicycle travels 150 meters from A to B, then 150 meters from B to A.  So the distance is 300 meters and the displacement is 0 m.

s = 300 m / 120 s = 2.5 m/s

v = 0 m / 120 s = 0 m/s

HelppSuppose the expected value for a mass is exactly one kilogram. A lab group checked the mass and made the following measurements:

2.01 kg, 2.02 kg, 1.99 kg, 1.97 kg

Which answer choice BEST describes these measurements?

A. accurate and precise

B. inaccurate and precise

C. accurate and imprecise

D. inaccurate and imprecise



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No. The gravitational pull on all objects -9.8m/s/s.
Because there is no mass variable in order to find the rate at which objects fall, this means that mass does not have an affect on the rate at which objects fall.
You also must consider wind resistance but that's a more in depth concept.

You can watch a video on youtube called "Hammer vs. Feather - Physics on moon". It shows how on the moon (Where there is no wind resistance) how a hammer and a feather fall at the same rate

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Which of these oceanic landforms is similar to a canyon?A) valley
B) seamount
C) ocean trench
D) the mid-ocean ridge



Option (C)


The oceanic trenches are often defined as those long and narrow type of depressions that are formed at the seafloor, along a convergent plate boundary between two oceanic plates or continental and an oceanic plate.

Canyons are the erosional features that are formed due to the down-cutting of the surface rocks by a deep and narrow type of river channel, giving rise to the formation of steep cliffs on both the sides of the channel.

Both these features are similar in appearance but oceanic trenches are formed at the bottom of the ocean whereas canyons are formed at the surface of the earth.

Thus, the correct answer is option (C).

The answer should be c) ocean trench since they are both like very large cracks in the ground that expand down and back up again. Sorry if I don't make much sense, just trying to reach the minimum amount of characters :)

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