Which shows the formula for an Organic acid


Answer 1
Answer: Answer:
            The formula of Organic acid is as follow,


                   The class of organic acids is called Carboxylic Acids. In above general structure, R is alkyl group and can vary. While -COOH is the functional group. 
                    Carboxylic Acids has the tendency to loose protons and their pKa value depends upon the alkyl group. For example the pKa value of Acetic acid (R = -CH₃) is 4.7. The driving force for this acidity is the stability of carboxylate (conjugate base) due resonance. i.e

                               RCOOH     ⇄    RCOO⁻  +  H⁺
            RCOO⁻  =  Carboxylate Ion (Conjugate base)

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Consider the balanced equation. N2 + 3H2 mc033-1.jpg 2NH3

What is the percent yield of NH3 if the reaction of 26.3 g of H2 produces 79.0 g of NH3?


The balanced chemical reaction is:

N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3 


We are given the amount of H2 being reacted. This will be our starting point.

26.3 g H2 (1 mol H2 / 2.02 g H2) 2 mol O2/3 mol H2) ( 17.04 g NH3 / 1mol NH3) = 147.90 g O2


Percent yield = actual yield / theoretical yield x 100


Percent yield = 79.0 g / 147.90 g x 100

Percent yield = 53.4%

What ion do acids release in solution?


Answer: H^+

Explanation: All the Arrhenius and Bronsted Lowry acids release H^+ ions in solution.

According to Arrhenius and Lowry, acids are substances which release  H^+ ions when dissolved in water.

Thus HCl, H_2SO_4 and H_3PO_4 all are considered as acids,

HCl\rightarrow H^++Cl^-

H_2SO_$\rightarrow H^++SO_4^(2-)

H_3PO_4\rightarrow H^++PO_4^(3-)


H+ ions


Acid release H+ ions in water after dissociation while bases release OH⁻ ions in solutions.

During dissociation, acid releases H+ ions which are characterized by losing electron with small charge charge density while bases release OH⁻ ions which have high charge density.

Typical dissociation reaction

1. HCL ⇄ H⁺ + CL⁻

In the above reaction, HCL releases H+ ion in the solution.

2. NaOH ⇄ Na⁺ + OH⁻

While in this second reaction, OH⁻ is relased into the solution.

This illustration is backed by Arrhenius theory which defined acid as substance that produce H+ ions in solutions.

A baker touches a pie right after taking it out of the oven. Which statement best explains why the pie feels hot?


The pie is going to be hot right when it comes out of the oven because the oven uses air to transfer heat. The air warms at the bottom of the oven and the air rises to the top of the oven where your food is. This is why any food is going to be hot right after you take it out of an oven.


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What type of radiation is emitted when polonium-212 forms lead-208?a. an alpha particle
b. a beta particle
c. gamma radiation
d. all of the above


Answer: The radiation that is emitted from the above process is alpha particle.


Alpha decay is defined as the process in which alpha particle is emitted. In this process, a heavier nuclei decays into a lighter nuclei. The alpha particle released carries a charge of +2 units. The released alpha particle is also known as helium nucleus.

_Z^A\textrm{X}\rightarrow _(Z-2)^(A-4)\textrm{Y}+_2^4\alpha

Beta decay is defined as the process in which beta particle is emitted. In this process, a neutron gets converted to a proton and an electron. The released beta particle is also known as electron.

_Z^A\textrm{X}\rightarrow _(Z+1)^A\textrm{Y}+_(-1)^0\beta

Gamma decay is defined as the process in which an unstable nuclei gives off excess energy by a spontaneous electromagnetic process and thus releases \gamma -radiations.

These radiations does not carry any charge and are electrically neutral.

_Z^A\textrm{X}^*\rightarrow _Z^A\textrm{X}+_0^0\gamma

The chemical equation for the decay of polonium-212 isotope follows:

_(84)^(212)\textrm{Po}\rightarrow _(82)^(208)\textrm{Pb}+_2^4\alpha

Hence, the radiation that is emitted from the above process is alpha particle.

A. An alpha particle.

Hope this helps :) ~

A sample of vinegar has a pH of 5, and a sample of rainwater has a pH of 6. Which of the following statements best describes these two substances?A. Both samples are bases, and vinegar is more basic.
B. Both samples are acids, and vinegar is more acidic.
C. Both samples are bases, and rainwater is more basic.
D. Both samples are acids, and rainwater is more acidic.


Answer: The correct answer is option B.


pH is defined as negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration. It is basically defined as the power of hydrogen ions in a solution. It ranges to the scale of 1-14. The solutions are divided into 3 categories on the basis of the pH range:

  1. If the pH of the solution ranges from 1 to 6.9, the solution is said to be acidic. Less the pH, more the acidity of the solution.
  2. If the pH of the solution ranges from 7.1 to 14, the solution is said to be basic. More the pH, more the acidity of the solution.
  3. If the pH of the solution is 7, the solution is said to be a neutral solution.

We are given:

pH of vinegar = 5

pH of rainwater = 6

As, the pH of both the solutions is less than 7. Thus, both the solutions are acidic in nature and also pH of vinegar is less, so this solution will be more acidic in nature.

Hence, the correct answer is Option B.

Statement B correctly describes the situation.