Someone who is running for a political office is known as a __________.a. agentb. officialc. candidated. representative


Answer 1
Answer: C. Candidate is your answer.

A candidate is someone who is trying to run for a political office, and typically already have some sort of support and funding before becoming publicized as a candidate.

Hope this helps
Answer 2


The dude that answered about me is correct


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During the Golden Age of Athens, male citizens


From the options listed, the best is:
could hold an office if they were chosen by lot.

had no control over how they were governed. - this is not true! Athens was known to be a democracy

could hold an office if they were chosen by lot.
-true! this is how democracy works, and Athens was known to be the first democracy

were elected to office as representative officials.
-the thing is, not all citizens were elected,

took part in government only if they were wealthy
-not true! some citizens were poor

Final answer:

During the Golden Age of Athens, all adult male citizens could participate directly in the government. They could sit in the Athenian Assembly, participate as members of the Council, and serve on juries, roles unheard of in many other societies of the time. The system, however, was a limited democracy as women, slaves, and foreigners were excluded from participation.


During the Golden Age of Athens, also known as the Classical Greece period (500–323 BCE), the city of Athens developed a system of government unique in the region: a direct democracy. This model of governance allowed all adult male citizens to participate directly in the functioning of the state. However, it is important to note that 'citizenship' was a restricted concept excluding women, slaves, and foreigners from participation.

All male citizens had the right to sit in the Athenian Assembly, which was obliged to hold sessions at least ten times a year. Within this Assembly, all laws were examined, approved, or repealed, and it was the Assembly that held the power to declare war or to validate treaties. Moreover, citizens got the chance to be chosen to sit in the Council, a position limited to two one-year terms over a lifetime, allowing a broad representation of Athenians within the executive branch of government.

Another critical role for the citizens was serving on juries. They were responsible not only for deciding the guilt or innocence of the accused, but they also interpreted the law's application. Despite being a limited democracy, the participation level of male citizens in Athens' governance during its Golden Age was quite remarkable for the era.

Learn more about Athenian Democracy here:


In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the United StatesA. acquired most of the land owned by Mexico.
B. established Texas as an independent republic.
C. paid $15 million for lands the Mexican Cession.
D. ceded control of California to Mexico.


In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the United States "C. paid $15 million for lands the Mexican Cession," although this cost was also to repay for suits against land encroachments. 


In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the U.S. Paid $15 millions for lands the Mexican Cession.


The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was an agreement between the U.S. and Mexico to end the Mexican-American war after the defeat of the Mexican army. The Treaty consisted of the cession of California, half new Mexico a big portion of Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado for the end o the war and a compensation of 15 million dollars. The citizens inhabiting the zone had 2 options, the first one was to relocate to another part of Mexico or become American citizens. It received the name of the place it was written on.

The Gupta Empire resisted invasions by these people for a long time. White Knights Mongols Hunas Chola



The Correct Answer is 'Hunas'


  • The Gupta Empire suffered aggression by the  Huns, or white Hunas, on various occasions.
  • The Gupta Empire faced various numbers of Invasion by the Nomadic people which are all related Hunas.
  • The empire was exhausted and ultimately fell after the death of its last ruler, Vishnugupta.
  • They invented the decimal system, with zero as a placeholder.

The correct answer is Hunas

The united states wanted to acquire the oregon country because the united states-



In 1846, the Oregon boundary dispute between the U.S. and Britain was settled with the signing of the Oregon Treaty. The British gained sole possession of the land north of the 49th parallel and all of Vancouver Island, with the United States receiving the territory south of that line.


Following the end of World War II, the United States experienced


After WWll the United States entered an era of prosperity and happy times. Everyone had money and were eager to buy cheap products after the long years of penny-pinching and rationing during the Great Depression and WWll. There was also a boom in the number of babies born and a major shift from living in the cities to living in suburbs. Suburban life led to more emphasis on family life.

Following the Civil War, many southern states implemented literacy tests, an eight-box law, and the grandfather clause in an effort to prevent blacks from doing which of the following?(A)voting in elections
(B)gaining U.S. citizenship
(C)joining white labor unions
(D)owning property or their own businesses


(B)gaining U.S. citizenship.I think is the best anwser.

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