The Earth is a unique planet in that it is covered by more than 70 percent water. There are several properties of water that make Earth a suitable environment for life, including how the density of solid water (ice) is about nine percent less than the density of liquid water. Which best explains why this feature of water is important for marine life?Ice forms from the bottom of the water column up, allowing organisms to freeze and enter hibernation.

Ice forms from the top of the water column down, creating a protective barrier over the liquid water.

The higher-density liquid water shelters organisms from cold air better than the less-dense ice.

The higher-density liquid water traps nutrients for primary producers better than the less-dense ice.


Answer 1


The higher-density liquid water shelters organisms from cold air better than the less-dense ice.


    Because of this difference in density, the waters of lakes and seas do not freeze completely because a less dense ice layer forms on the surface and creates a natural thermal insulator that makes the water below it remain in the liquid phase. This saves the animal and plant life of lakes and seas.

    Ice works as a thermal insulator because its specific heat (2.03 J/g. ºC) is lower than that of water (4.18 J/g. ºC).

    After the cold is over and the hot season comes, the surface ice melts easily. But that would not happen if the ice dropped to the bottom of lakes and seas. With this, the animal and plant life would be compromised.

    Another important point is that, as already mentioned, liquid water reaches its maximum density at approximately 4ºC, which is 1,000 g/cm3. Therefore, during times such as spring and fall, the water reaches temperatures near this and becomes denser than the rest, going to the bottom. This causes a vertical movement called the convection current, which is responsible for mixing the nutrients dissolved in water.

Answer 2

The higher-density liquid water shelters organisms from cold air better than the less-dense ice.

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\huge\text{Hey there!}

\large\text{What is phycology the study of?}\n\n\large\text{Well, the simple meaning of  \underline{phycology} it is \bf the \boxed{\mathsf{study \ of \ algae.}}}

\large\text{Most of the the plants (algae plants) are natatory (aquatic) or the}\n\large\text{primary producer that lacks a lot of cells \& its tissue types such as} \n\large\text{stomata, phloem, \& etc. }

\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}


what is phycology is study of:


Algae (latin, alga= seaweed)are chlorophyllous nonvascular without embryo having cellulose cell wall and unicellular organs thyroid autotrophic organisms with the study of algae is called algology or phycology

William Henry Herbert is the father of modern pychology


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  • algae show great diversity in their structure their thallus may be unicellular to multicellular algae may be colonial, filamentous etc in form
  • all algae contain pigment

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