Why wasn't oxidation type chemical weathering common more than 2 billion years ago?


Answer 1


            Due to deficiency of Oxygen in atmosphere.


                   Oxidation is defined in two ways, 1) The addition of Oxygen and Removal of Hydrogen 2) The removal of electrons.

                   We will discuss the first definition for this question. The addition of oxygen to various compounds results in the oxidation of that compound.

Example: Oxidation of Methane;

                                   CH₄  +  2 O₂    →    CO₂  +  2 H₂O

In this example oxygen is added to methane and hydrogen is being removed from methane.

Oxidation type chemical weathering common more than 2 billion years ago because of less amount of Oxygen in atmosphere and the oxygen which was produced by plants reacted with different metals like Iron forming precipitates which precipitated to the bottom of oceans.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Oxidation type chemical weathering was not common more than 2 billion years ago due to the scarcity of free oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. The early atmosphere was anoxic, and it was only with the evolution of cyanobacteria that oxygen began to accumulate. This oxygen increase allowed for the evolution of more complex life forms and facilitated oxidation type chemical weathering.


The main reason why oxidation type chemical weathering wasn't common more than 2 billion years ago is the scarcity of free oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere during that period. Studies of the chemistry of ancient rocks show that despite the presence of plants releasing oxygen through photosynthesis, Earth's atmosphere and oceans lacked abundant free oxygen until about 2 billion years ago. The oxygen gas was rapidly removed through chemical reactions with Earth's crust.

Moreover, the early atmosphere was anoxic, meaning it had no molecular oxygen. As a result, only anaerobic organisms, which can grow without oxygen, could live. It was only later with the evolution of cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, that oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere.

This increase in atmospheric oxygen allowed the evolution of more complex life forms and the development of more efficient oxygen-utilizing processes. It also facilitated the oxidation type chemical weathering that we see today, which requires free oxygen to occur.

Learn more about Ancient Atmospheric Chemistry here:



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The heat of combustion (\DeltaHc0) is the amount of energy released as heat when a compound completely burns with oxygen under standard conditions.

3.05988g. grams of propane must be burned to raise the temperature of a 10.0 kg block of copper from 25.0°C to 65.0°C.

What is meant by heat of combustion?

  • The heat of combustion (\DeltaHc0) is the amount of energy released as heat when a compound completely burns with oxygen under standard conditions. In most cases, a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat.
  • The heat of combustion of a substance is the amount of energy released when a specific amount (e.g., 1 mol, 1g, 1 L) of the substance completely burns in oxygen. The heat of combustion is typically measured at 298K (25 C) and 101.3kPa.
  • The energy released when a substance X completely burns with an excess of oxygen under standard conditions (25°C and 1 bar). It is the inverse of the enthalpy change for the combustion reaction in thermodynamic terms.

q=m*c*(change of T)

q=10000g(0.385J/g*c)*(65.0C-25.0C)or (338.2 K-298.2K)


154000J*(1 mol/2220 KJ)=69.36936 x 10 ^-3 mol

here's where I'm stuck

0.069369 mol

and i know that for every 1 mol there is 44.11g of C3H8.

0.069369 mol* (44.11g C3H8)/1mol = 3.05988g.

To learn more about : Heat of combustion

Ref : brainly.com/question/25109613




q = (mass) (temp change) (specific heat)

q = (10000 g) (40 °C) (0.385 J/g⋅°C) = 154000 J = 154 kJ

154 kJ / 2220 kJ/mol = 0.069369369 mol

0.069369369 mol times 44.0962 g/mol = 3.06 g (to three sig figs)

answer choice 4

D Serum Levels Of 4 Mcg/mL, Calculate The Dose, In Milligrams, For A 120-lb Patient That May Be Expected To Result In A Blood Serum Gentamicin Level Of 4.5 Mcg/mL. This problem has been solved! See the answer If the administration of gentamicin at a dose of 1.75 mg/kg is determined to result in peak blood serum levels of 4 mcg/mL, calculate the dose, in milligrams, for a 120-lb patient that may be expected to result in a blood serum gentamicin level of 4.5 mcg/mL.



The patient requires a dose of 107.2 mg of gentamicin


A dosage of 1.75 mg per Kilogram body weight results in blood serum levels of 4.5 mcg/mL

This means that; 1.75 mg/ kg = 4.0 mcg/mL

Therefore, dosage of gentamicin in  mg/kg that will result in 4.5 mcg/mL blood serum level = (1.75 mg/Kg * 4.5 mcg/mL) / 4.0 mcg/mL

Dosageof gentamicin = 1.97 mg/Kg

1-lb = 0.453592 Kg

Weight of 120-lb patient in Kg = 120 * 0.453592 = 54.43 Kg

Dose in mg required by patient = 1.97 mg/Kg * 54.43 Kg = 107.2 mg

Therefore, the 120-lb patient requires a dose of 107.2 mg of gentamicin to result in a blood serum level of 4.5 mcg/mL

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Equation:2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g)

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Equation:2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g)

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b flour
c baking soda


Baking soda can buffer the vinegar. 


The answer is C: Baking Soda

If 45.0 mL of 0.25 M HCl is required to completely neutralize 25.0 mL of NH3, what is the concentration of the NH3 solution? Show all of the work needed to solve this problem.HCl + NH3 yields NH4Cl


Answer : The concentration of NH_3 solution is, 0.45 M

Solution :

The given balanced reaction is,

HCl+NH_3\rightarrow NH_4Cl

The moles ratio of HCl and NH_3 is, 1 : 1 that means 1 mole of HCl neutralizes by the 1 mole of ammonia.

According to the neutralization law,



M_1 = molarity or concentration of NH_3 solution = ?

V_1 = volume of NH_3 solution = 25 ml

M_2 = molarity of concentration HCl solution = 0.25 M

V_2 = volume of HCl solution = 45 ml

Now put all the given values in the above law, we get the concentration of NH_3 solution.

M_1* 25ml=(0.25M)* (45ml)


Therefore, the concentration of NH_3 solution is, 0.45 M

hcl + nh3 -> nh4cl (balanced eqn)

no. of mol of hcl = vol. (L) x molarity = 0.045 × 0.25 = 0.01125mol

ratio of hcl:nh3 after balancing eqn = 1:1

no. of mol of nh3 that is completely neutralised by hcl = 0.01125 × 1 = 0.01125mol

therefore, concentration of nh3 = mol / total volume (L) = 0.01125mol / 0.025L= 0.45M