Describe a situation that illustrates why it is a good idea to complete the elisa assay in triplicate.


Answer 1

Assaying the samples in triplicate is a way of control.

Using triplicates will allow you to account for variation within the assay (intra-assay variation). This means that if you do not get the same result in all triplicate wells, you probably have a problem with experimental technique or you have made a pipetting error, so the experiment should have be repeated.  

Answer 2

Final answer:

Running an ELISA assay in triplicate increases the reliability and accuracy of results by providing a means of calculating the average from three measurements and mitigating the impact of random errors or procedural inconsistencies. Replicating the assay helps to ensure that results are robust and that variations in individual steps of an experiment do not significantly skew the data.


Completing an ELISA assay in triplicate helps to improve the accuracy of results by addressing statistical variability and potential procedural errors. Testing in triplicate ensures repeated measurements of the same sample, reducing the effect of random errors across the tests and thereby enhancing the reliability and consistency of the data collected.

In a situation where a scientist is measuring the amount of a specific protein in a blood sample, even slight inconsistencies in procedures could impact the results. For example, if the secondary antibody is not washed off thoroughly in one test, it might lead to a false increase in signal strength indicating a higher protein level than actually present. Running the assay in triplicates can mitigate this, as the outlier value can be spotted by comparing it against the other two measurements. It also allows the scientist to calculate the mean value of the three tests, providing a more robust estimation of the protein level. Thus, doing ELISA in triplicate better ensures that your results are reproducible and accurate.

Additionally, each ELISA reaction is a complex process involving a series of binding, washing, and coloring steps. Variations can creep in such as pipetting errors, uneven incubation temperatures, or variation in color development times. Hence reliable and repeatable results in scientific experiments often involve running multiple replicates, including in ELISA assays.

Learn more about ELISA assay here:


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Final answer:

Homeostasis maintains a stable internal environment in organisms through feedback mechanisms. An example of a feedback mechanism is the regulation of blood glucose levels. If homeostasis fails, diseases such as diabetes may emerge.


Homeostasis is the process where an organism maintains a stable internal environment, which is crucial for survival. This stability is achieved through feedback mechanisms. These mechanisms monitor and adjust various biological systems within the body to maintain balance.

One example of a feedback mechanism in the human body is the regulation of blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas produces insulin, which promotes the uptake of glucose into cells, reducing blood glucose levels. This is an example of a negative feedback mechanism because the effect of the response to the stimulus is to reduce the original stimulus. Conversely, if blood glucose levels fall, the pancreas produces glucagon, which prompts the liver to release stored glucose, thus increasing blood glucose levels.

If homeostasis fails in the human body, one specific result, beside death, could be the emergence of diseases such as diabetes. If the feedback mechanism for regulating blood glucose levels is impaired and the body doesn't produce enough insulin or the body's cells resist the effects of insulin, the result is high blood sugar and diabetic conditions.

Learn more about Feedback Mechanism here:


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