Does John Winthrop appear to believe that a person of poor or modest means can be an authority in the colony? Which passages from “A Model of Christian Charity” indicate his legal training?


Answer 1
Answer: He says that he is rich and wealthy in that book. I might be reading the wrong thing, but that’s what it says

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Source: Dutch missionary John Megapolensis on the Mohawks (Iroquois), 1644, Smithsonian(John became the town's first pastor at Fort Orange (near Albany). As pastor he was not allowed to farm or trade, but received supportfrom the town, while diligently performing his duties, which included teaching the Indians about Christ.)The Women are obliged to prepare the land, to mow, to plant, and do every Thing: the Men do nothing except hunting, fishing, and goingto War against their Enemies: they treat their Enemies with great Cruelty in Time of War, for they first bite off the Nails of the Fingers oftheir Captives, and cut off some joints, and sometimes the whole of the Fingers; after that the Captives are obliged to sing and dancebefore them..., and finally they roast them before a slow Fire for some Days, and eat them. ... Though they are very cruel to theirEnemies, they are very friendly to us: we are under no Apprehensions from them....They are entire Strangers to alt Religion, but they have a Tharonhijouaagon, (which others also call Athzoockkuatoriaho) i.e. a Geniuswhich they put in the Place of God, but they do not worship or present offerings to him: they worship and present offerings to the Devilwhom they call Otskon or Airekuoni. ... They have otherwise no Religion: when we pray they laugh at us; some of them despise itentirely, and some when we tell them what we do when we pray, stand astonished. When we have a Sermon, sometimes ten or twelve ofthem, more or less, will attend, each having a long Tobacco Pipe, made by himself, in his Month, and will stand a while and look, andafterwards ask me what I was doing and what I wanted, that I stood there alone and made so many Words, and none of the rest mightspeak? I tell them I admonished the Christians, that they must not steal, ... get drunk, or commit Murder, and that they too ought not todo these Things, and that I intend after a while to preach to them. ... They say I do well in teaching the Christians, but immediately addDiatennon jawi Assyreoni hagiouisk, that is, why do so many Christians do these things. They call us Assyreoni, that is, Cloth-Makers, orCharistooni, that is, Iron Workers, because our People first brought Cloth and Iron among them...HIPP+:Historical Context:Intended Audience:Author's Purpose:Author's Point of View+Other Context (similar in kind, from a different time):
Auto Technician A says during the power stage of engine operation, the piston is forced downward in the cylinder due to the compression of the burning air-and-fuel mixture. Auto Technician B says the power stage of engine operation is directly followed by the intake stage. Which one of the following statements is correct?A. Both Technician A and Technician B are correct. B. Neither Technician A nor Technician B is correct. C. Only Technician B is correct. D. Only Technician A is correct.

In BD, BE=10x-3 and DE=8x-1 what is?

A. 1 unit

B. 7 units

C. 14 units

D. 21 units


The figure is not marked in any way that would indicate it is a parallelogram. If we assume it is, then

... BE = DE

... 10x -3 = 8x -1 . . substitute the given expressions

... 2x = 2 . . . . . . . . add 3-8x

... x = 1 . . . . . . . . . . divide by 2

The appropriate choice is ...

... A. 1 unit


Since the figure is not marked to indicate BE=DE, you could argue that any answer is correct.

Explain the link between motivation and performance



Motivation is expected to have a positive effect on quality performance. Employees who are characterized by a high level of motivation show a higher work and life satisfaction. Having a high level of motivation is therefore in itself valuable for employees and a decrease in motivation might affect employees negatively


I NEED THIS ANSWERED ASAP!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! A country passes legislation requiring that all plants imported from other countries undergo extensive tests to demonstrate that they are not carrying any invasive species of insect. Identify a potential economic benefit and a potential cost of this policy, and explain how it utilizes the precautionary principle.


Great question! Let me help you with this.

1. Potential economic benefit: The potential economic benefit can come from two areas. One, lower imports of plants will improve the trade deficit of the country.

Secondly, Imported plants may cause damage to the local ecology and restricting their import would save costs of environmental damage.

2. Potential costs: The first potential cost is that other countries might restrict importing our plants, which would be a blow to the export industry.
Secondly, a whole floriculture industry might be dependent on important plans which might face a lot of trouble after the ban.

The compound K2O2 also exists. a chemist can determine the mass of K in a sample of known mass that consists of either pure K2O or pure K2O2. From this information, can the chemist answer the question of which compound is in the sample?



1. 2 = B

2. 176 g = D

3. 6=D

4. 12 = D

5. 2 = B

Participating in physical activity can help to reduce stress in all of the following ways EXCEPT:



It causes fatigue and exhaustion


Us constitution provided for



The Constitution has three main functions. First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. ... The Constitution provides a system of checks and balances designed to avoid the tyranny of any one branch.



The Constitution has three main functions. First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. ... The Constitution provides a system of checks and balances designed to avoid the tyranny of any one branch.
