With respect to acetylcholine, botox is to nicotine as _____ is to _____.


Answer 1


antagonist to agonist


Glutamate has excitory effect on the nerve fibres in the central nervous system. It is mostly found in synaptic vesicle of nerves terminals in abundance and can be released through exocytosis. The glutamate has special transporters on the plasma membrane that allow it to be transported across neurons.

A drug increases the effect of the neurotransmitter is called an agonist. If it decreases the effect of the neurotransmitter it is called an antagonist. If the neurotransmitter is excitatory like glutamate above, nicotine presence will increase the excitatory effect, and presence of botox will decrease the excitatory effect by inhibit its diffusion across the neurone.

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Meiosis and mitosis are both preceded by one round of DNA replication; however, meiosis includes two nuclear divisions. The four daughter cells resulting from meiosis are haploid and genetically distinct. The daughter cells resulting from mitosis are diploid and identical to the parent cell. 
so the similarities are: 
-ways for cells to divide 
-same number of chromosome as the original cell 
-both have the basic 5 phases 
-both processes go through chromosome replication 
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I hope this is helpful :)))
have a nice day

What are the four major categories of macromolecules? Describe the basic structures and the primary functions of each.


The four macro molecules are nucleic acid, carbohydrate, proteins, and lipids.


1. Nucleic acids: Contain N in rings, nucleotides made of sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous base

1. Carbohydrates: Made of C,H, and O; –OH's on all carbons except one

2. Lipid: Made of C,H, and O; lots of C-H bonds; may have some C=C bonds (unsaturated)

3. Protein: Contain N, have N-C-C backbone


1. Nucleic acids: Stores and transfers info

2. Carbohydrates; Store energy, provide fuel, and build structure in body, main source of energy, structure of plant cell wall

3. Lipid: Insulator and stores fat and energy

4. Protein: Provide structural support, transport, enzymes, movement, defense.

The 4 types of Macromolecules:

- Carbohydrates: Compound made of Carbon, Hydrogen, and oxygen. Their main functions are for Energy, Storage, and structure. There are 3 types of carbs; Monosaccharides, Disaccharides (Which are both simple sugars), and Polysaccharides (Which are starches).

- Lipids: Compound that contains mostly carbon and hydrogen. Their main functions are to store energy, Insulate the body, surround and protect cells, regulate cell activity, and provide structure and Transmit information. They are well known as Fats (solid at room temp.) & oils (Liquid at room temp.) phospholipids, and Steroids.

- Proteins: Compound made of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen. Their main functions are for transport, making movement possible, providing structure and support, and speeding up chemical reactions.

- Nucleic Acids: Compound made of Carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorous. Their main function is to store and transmit genetic information, determine protein structure, and helping in building proteins. They are the blueprint for life. They include DNA and RNA, and they determine your appearance.

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You should make it unobtrusive to avoid it attracting attention or hindering it in any way. What you can do is shave a small patch of fur from underneath the animal, and this couldn't be noticed by predators from sides but could easily be noticed by a scientist that captures it.

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the answer is d, i believe, when one animal preys on another its called predation.

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finches compete for food 

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B. Facilitated diffusion
C. Simple diffusion
D. Osmosis



