Five-year-old matthew and 6-year-old jessica like to pretend that they live or work in a zoo. often, matthew will pretend to be an animal, such as an elephant and jessica will pretend to be the zookeeper. this is an example of __________ play. a)parallel b)associative c)sociodramatic d)functional


Answer 1


Dramatic play can be defined as a type of play were children accept and assign roles and then act them out. Children imitate actions and speech from earlier observed situations. They pretend to be someone or something different from themselves, and dramatize situations and actions to go along with the rolls the chose to play.

When another person becomes involved in the play, it is called Sociodramatic play.

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Build Your Personal Competencies for Inclusive Leadership. Seek out cross-cultural experiences that encourage awareness of other cultures or spend a day in the life of the community members you serve; Make the time commitment needed to build key skills—empathy, active listening, appreciative inquiry.

Hope this helped you!


You’ve arrived half an hour late to pick up a friend. She was scheduled to take an examination, and even if you speed on the way to the university, she will now lose at least twenty minutes of the time she needs to complete the exam. According to the authors, what is the best thing to say when you arrive____________?



According to the authors, the best thing to say is "don't tell me that you've never overslept".

Which scenario would least likely change an individual's behavior? The country of Ravamolk enacts a policy to fine companies 20% of their earnings if the safety standards in their factories do not reach acceptable work conditions. A basketball team manages to sign a trio of famous basketball stars who then clamor for other players to come join their team to win a guaranteed championship. In an effort to make people eat healthier, the city of Bakersville tells its residents to eat wheat bread instead of white bread. The city of Saskatoon chooses to give its residents a penny for each soda can they recycle in an effort to promote environmental awareness.



In an effort to make people eat healthier, the city of Bakersville tells its residents to eat wheat bread instead of white bread.


The likelihood of a change in individual behavior will dramatically increase if its being reinforced with rewards or punishments. People could become really motivated if they know that can got something that they desire or avoid some sort of negative consequences if they are not doing something.

Let's examine each options:

Option A :

The country of Ravamolk enacts a policy to fine companies 20% of their earnings if the safety standards in their factories do not reach acceptable work conditions

This scenario utilize punishment in the form of 20% fine to change the behavior.

Option B:

A basketball team manages to sign a trio of famous basketball stars who then clamor for other players to come join their team to win a guaranteed championship.

This scenario provide a reward of guaranteed championship win to influence the behavior

Option D :

The city of Saskatoon chooses to give its residents a penny for each soda can they recycle in an effort to promote environmental awareness.

This scenario use reward in the forms of penny for each soda that they recycile.

Option C offers none of the incentives, which make it least likely to change the behavior.

What is one of the major assumptions of rational choice theory?



The major assumption of the rational choice theory is that human behavior is as a result of conscious decision making.

In rational choice theory individuals usually make up their minds or decisions under pressure usually within a small amount of time. During this process individuals make the decisions which are best suited to how important or beneficial such a decision will have on their lives. This is usually the primary purpose of rational choice making.

A car travels 300 km in 6 hours.what is the speed



50 km/h



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