Which of the following describes Johnson's Vietnam War strategy?


Answer 1
Answer: he committed large amount of American Troop to the Fight and massive bombing

He Encouraged his Adviser to send US Troops to bolster the south Vietnam army

He also ordered a bombing raid to north Vietnam because he did not want to be seen as a weak Leader

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b. Petition of Right.
c. Stamp Act of 1765.
d. English Bill of Rights


It would be the "d. English Bill of Rights" that was signed by King Charles I in 1628 and declared that even the monarch was subject to the law of the land, since this was during a time when the British people were demanding more autonomy. 

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B.) cuneiform
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Hieroglyphics is the answer

WORLD HISTORY PROJECT HELP!? i chose the Brutal Dictatorship, Oppression of Political Enemies: Stalin?


Joseph Stalin was a dictator who ruled Russia in a reign of terror. He set up a command economy. A command economy was a system in which the government made all economic decisions. He set up a system of five-year plans for the development of the Soviet Union´s economy. These five year plans made high quotas, to increase the output of steel, coal, oil, and electricity. The people who made these had to not produce common goods so some of them starved. He created collective farms  which were farms that combined to produce food for the state. If people questioned him they would be punished, but most of the time they were killed. Joseph Stalin was considered to be crazy and killed anybody that he thought did not like him. He set up religious and educational rules about the communist party. Many people were killed during his reign of terror, and he died on March 5, 1953. 

Hope this helped!

Following the American Revolution, some colonists were concerned that Native Americans threatened the western frontier of the United States. What part of the Preamble best addresses this issue?A.Provide for the common defense
B.Insure domestic tranquility
C.Insure the blessings of liberty
D.Promote the general welfare


The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the first choice. The part of the preamble that best addresses the issue is to "provide for common defense" I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!

The part of the Preamble that best addresses the issue stated is provide for the common defense.

The Founding Fathers believe that the federal government must provide for the common defense as a result of the weakness of the thirteen states under the Articles of Confederation, before the Constitution. Thus, they arrived at the conclusion  that the nation needed a stronger government, including a stronger military. The Founders were careful to grant the federal government only the few, limited powers that were necessary for it to carry out its aims.

If you are standing in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, what are you looking at?a. the Capitol building
b. the Metropolitan Museum of Art
c. the White House


You're either looking at the White House or else you have your back to it.
The question doesn't specify the direction in which you're facing.