A Boolean search can help you narrow down your topic by doing what A( finding the most popular topic for you to research

B( allowing you to restrict your search to look only for specific terms or groups of terms

C(avoid searching for him popular topics

D( searching the topic and all related topics


Answer 1
Answer: Answer: B. allowing you to restrict your search to look only for specific terms or groups of terms.

Boolean search narrows down a researcher's topic by refining or limiting the search results generated by the search engine thus, saving the time of the researcher in achieving the most useful information.

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hope this helps

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The correct answer is:


[A]: "index fingers". Note that you want to keep your left index fingers near the "ASDF" keys; and your right index fingers near your "JKL;" keys; so you use your "index fingers" for easier dexterity to "reach" for the other keys to more easily "access", or "reach", the "reach keys" ; and then retract those fingers to the original positions.


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