Which of the following is a sentence fragment? Early American writers were mostly men. Many early American women never


Answer 1


Many early American women never


This is an example of a sentence fragment. A sentence needs to have a subject, a verb and a predicate in order to be considered a full sentence. However, in this example, the second sentence states the subject ("many early American women") but nothing else. This makes the sentence nonsensical and can be considered a fragment.

Answer 2
Answer: The last one because the sentence would not make sense and is not a full sentence without the ending....

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"Imperceptible" is an adjective that describes something that is not easily perceived or detected by the senses or human observation. It refers to things that are extremely subtle, faint, or small, making them difficult to notice or recognize.

For example, imagine a gentlebreeze blowing on a warm summer day. The movement of the air may be so slight and gentle that you can feel it, but you cannot see it or hear it. In this case, the movement of the air would be considered imperceptible to the eyes and ears because it is too subtle to be easily noticed.

Similarly, certain changes in temperature or changes in the environment may occur so gradually that they are imperceptible to people over short periods. For instance, a slight drop in temperature over several hours may not be noticeable to individuals, but over time, it can lead to significant changes in weather conditions.

In a different context, imperceptible changes in a person's behavior or emotions may be difficult for others to detect. For example, subtle changes in facial expressions or body language may convey emotions that are imperceptible to most people but can be interpreted by those who are highly observant or sensitive.

Overall, "imperceptible" refers to things that are hard to notice, observe, or detect due to their subtlety, faintness, or smallness, requiring a keen eye or attention to detail to recognize their presence or impact.

To know more about Imperceptible:






not distinguishable by the senses

Angela and Veronica could not be lured into __________: they preferred to think and act independently rather than do everything the group said or did. mob mentality symbolism theme rhetoric



mob mentality


The other options are symbolism, theme, and rhetoric. They don't fit because of the rest of the excerpt since "they preferred to think and act independently". It has nothing to do with the other options but it is the clear opposite of a mob mentality, which is how it is described a collective behavior based on the idea of one's behavior being influenced by everyone else's in the mob instead of rationalizing the situation.

Angela and Veronica could not be lured into mob mentality: they preferred to think and act independently rather than do everything the group said or did. 

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ooo i know this its a clause :)





just giving my best answer

Select all that apply.Style is determined by:

the amount of space available to the writer
the period in which the action is set
descriptive devices
kinds and lengths of sentences
the attitude of the writer
the target readers


Good Morning!

The style can vary according to the period in which the action is expressed, the descriptive elements, sizes and types of sentence.
Vocabulary, target audience, writer's attitude and available space are important, but they are not determinative in that regard.

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Pink Purple and Blue are important to the Bisexual Community EVERY Day because they are the colors of the Bisexual Pride Flag. 

Write a paragraph in which you claim and support a major theme in the poem “Lit Instructor”. Be sure to use at least one direct quote. Make it your best, edited work.what do i do ?


Alright here’s what you do. I assume “Lit Instructor” is a text so read that and pick what you think a major theme is. (Keep in mind you will need evidence) Start your paragraph with some background on the text and then go into your theme, why it is important, why the author chose it. Really whatever you find important. Then use your direct quote. ( remember to add the page number ) then go into detail about why you chose that piece of evidence and things you found interesting. Wrap it up how ever you please but make it clear what your point was. STAY ON POINT!

Hope this helps!