The movement of water is like the flow of the electricity. Electricity must have a complete path for the flow. This movement is called:


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is current.

Current in the context of an electrical circuit is the flow of charge. Current is a quantity that is physical and can be measured. Current is defined as the rate of the flow charge past a certain point in a circuit. Current is expressed in Amperes which is equal to 1 coulomb/1second. 

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a = v1-v0/t so v1= a*t (v0 is o m/s) v1=
20m/s * 60 s = 1200 m/s
"Acceleration of 20 m/s² " means that the rocket is speeding up,
and its speed becomes 20 m/s greater every second.

Since it started out with zero speed, its speed after 1 minute
(60 seconds) is

              (20 m/s /s) · (60 s)  =  1,200 m/s .

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B) wave A as a higher pitched sound than wave B.

C) wave A and B with the same pitch, but wave A as louder.

D) wave B as a louder and higher pitched sound than wave A.


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "wave B as a louder and higher pitched sound than wave A." Compare the sounds produce by wave A and wave B. The human ear would hear wave B as a louder and higher pitched sound than wave A.


It's A


The human ear would hear wave A as a louder sound than wave B. Wave A has a greater amplitude than wave B. That is perceived as a louder sound. Wave B has a higher frequency; that would be perceived as a higher pitch.

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You will always use Pythagoras theorem to find magnitude while given components of vector.
No matter if system that you are observing is 2D or 3D or higher (which is imaginery) pythagoras theorem will be applied.

Formula for determining magnitude is:
M =  √(x^ + y^2 + z^2 + ...)

Number of turms inside square root you take depending on dimension of your system.

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Frequency= 1/T T=Period T=0.3 Frequency = 3.33 repeating. Hz

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X = 22 is what I think.

A diagram that shows the Earth at the center of the solar system is known as a what?1. geocentric model.
2. heliocentric model.
3. universe model.
4. Earth-moon-sun model.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "1. geocentric model." A diagram that shows the Earth at the center of the solar system is known as the geocentric model. It is also known as the Ptolemaic system is a superseded description of the universe, where the Earth is at the center of all the celestial bodies.