Who would make the following statement “The purpose of the constitution is to limit the power of the federal government, not the American people”?A) Federalist

B) Anti-Federalist

C) Loyalist

D) Republican


Answer 1

A) Federalist

Why by Mimiwhatsup: Federalists felt/believed that the addition is not necessary the Constitution as it stood only limited the government not the people.

Answer 2

I think the answer is D but I could be wrong

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President Truman and Robert Taft were on opposites of the Taft-Harley Act. Robert Taft opposed many of President Roosevelt’s actions to end the Great Depression. He felt some of the actions gave the government too much power over businesses. He was also concerned that laws like the Wagner Act, a pro-labor law, gave the workers too much power. There were many strikes after World War II.



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Which was not a provision of the Northwest Ordinance?a. requirements for public schooling in the new territories
b. women's voting rights
c. a plan for allowing territories to become states
d. a law against slavery in the territory


"b. women's voting rights" was not a provision of the Northwest Ordinance, since these rights were still "far down on the ladder," in terms of social priorities during this time. 

was not a provision of the Northwest Ordinance is b. women's voting rights

Further explanation  

The Northwest Ordinance, known as the 1784, 1785, and 1787 Ordinances, were made by the US Congress whose purpose was to regulate the merging of the political merger of the Northwest Region - including, the American portion of western Pennsylvania, north of the Ohio River, in general, the territory which is now known as the American Midwest. this is done to be orderly and fair

The sale of land has been set at a price of one square mile (640 hectares), and the minimum price per hectare is $ 1. In the meeting hoping to replenish the treasury with the sale of land in this area, for its own terms is in one section in each city must be built/set aside for schools. these rules were formulated based on the policy of American society until the Homestead Act of 1862.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, there are three important actions, to set the basis for the administration of the Northwest Region and for the acceptance of parts as part of the state in unity. Under this rule,

each region will be governed by a governor and judge appointed by Congress to reach 5,000 adult men, with this it can become a territory and can establish its own legislative members.

for the Northwest Region, in the end, it must consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five countries with the total to be achieved is 60,000 population there.

For slavery is forever banned from the lands of the North-West Region, in the case of religion and civil in the area being freed and under protection by the government, Indian residents are promised a decent place, and education has also been provided.

Learn More :

Northwest Ordinance; brainly.com/question/514277, brainly.com/question/887663


Class: High School

Subject: History

Keywords: Northwest Ordinance, American, Region.

Match the person most commonly associated with the group or movement during the 1960s. 1. Malcolm X Black Panthers 2. Timothy Leary SDS 3. Jerry Rubin counter-culture 4. Stokely Carmichael civil rights 5. Tom Hayden radical groups



1. Malcolm X - Civil rights

2. Timothy Leary - Counterculture

3. Jerry Rubin - Radical groups

4. Stokely Carmichael - Black Panthers

5. Tom Hayden - SDS



Compare and contrast the Muslim slave trade in Africa with the European slave trade that began in the 1500s


The Muslim slave trade in Africa was much smaller in scale in comparison to the slave trade that was going on in the 1500s and later on in the European continent where vast numbers of African slaves were being transfered in the US. 

The goal of Simon Bolivar was to a. form stable smaller South American states centered around distinct tribal or linguistic groups. b. have the colonies of South America remained linked to Spain but attain a measure of self-government. c. bring the former Spanish colonies of South America into union with the United States. d. weld the former Spanish colonies of South America into a confederation like the United States. e. bring about unification through a strict authoritarian form of government.



d. Weld the former Spanish colonies of South America into a confederation like the United States.


Simon Bolivar was a military and political leader from Venezuela who led the South American colonial states to get their independence. Educated in Europe, he felt influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment and thus began to work towards freeing the South American states from the Spanish colonialist powers. His main aim was to free these states from the clutches of the Spanish powers, and bring them as a union of states like the United States. After he managed to get independence for the states from the Spanish monarchy, he led a fight to oust the rulers out of the colonies. He then aimed to keep a united Spanish America which can be capable of defending themselves from the Spanish as well as any European attempts of colonization.

Why did President Roosevelt need to create a Second New Deal?Americans were prospering and needed to find new ways to spend and invest their money.
The unemployment rate had dropped to an all-time low, and there was a need to find new workers.
The economy continued to struggle with high unemployment rates and widespread poverty.
There was no longer a need for the government to support social programs for Americans.


The economy continued to struggle with high unemployment rates and widespread poverty.

The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the United States, it lasted a whole decade. As soon as Roosevelt entered the Presidency in 1933, he enacted his first New Deal programs but he soon noticed it would be necessary a second one.

At the time, in 1935, more than ten millions of people were unemployed, millions of Americans were struggling to survive and 1/3 of the banks had failed. Franklin Roosevelt's "Second New Deal" aimed to provide relief to those most in need through the creation of governmental reforms and agencies.

Hello there.

Why did President Roosevelt need to create a Second New Deal?

The economy continued to struggle with high unemployment rates and widespread poverty.