What were the causes and consequences of the wall street crash??


Answer 1
Answer: Financial experts warned the public the the American Economy is slowing down. With this warning in mind, investors started selling their shares in large numbers in September 1929. By 24th October 1929, 12.8 million shares were sold and another 16 million shares were sold at a very low price on 29th October 1929. The panic selling of shares lead to the collapse of the stock market in New York.

The aftermath of the wall street crash was very disastrous. Investors lost their money and was not able to pay off their debts. Many banks closed, leaving their depositors with no money nor hope for the future. Ordinary people lost their means to buy foods and other basic needs like shelter and clothes. Companies have to downsize resulting to firing of redundant workers and lowering the wages of the remaining workers. Unemployment rose to very high level.

The Wall Street Crash led to the beginning of the Great Depression in the 1930s.

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Which of the following is not a power of the president?A. Veto a budget
B. Establish foreign policy
C. Propose a budget
D. Vote to impeach a government official


Voting to impeach a government official is NOT a power of the president.

President is the head of the executive branch of the government.

Further Explanation

Executive branch of government  

  • The executive branch of government is headed by the president who is elected by citizens of a country or nation who have attained the voting age. The executive branch is also composed of the cabinet and the vice president.

Roles of the President  

  1. President is the head of state
  2. The president is responsible of enforcing laws that have been made by the legislature.
  3. He/she is the commander in chief of the armed forces
  4. The president veto laws  
  5. He/she deals with international relations.
  6. Proposing a budget  
  7. President appoints federal judges, ambassadors and the cabinet among others  
  8. Establishing foreign policies, etc.

Other branches of government


  • Judiciary is a branch of government that is headed by the Supreme Court headed by judges. The major role of the judiciary is to interpret the constitution and also review laws.
  • This branch is the least democratic since its members stay in their position for a very long period of time and may not always reflect the will of people.  


  • This is the branch of government that is headed by the Congress.
  • The major role of the legislature is to make Law and also amending them. The congress is divided into the senate and the House of Representatives.

Keywords:Branches of government  , Executive, the president

Learn more about

Level: High school

Subject: History

Topic: Governments  

Sub-topic: Executive branch of government

Vote to impeach a government official is not a power of the president.

Further Explanation:

United States legislature comprised of the “House of Representatives” as well as the Senate along with  President and Vice- President in its legislation, whose powers are determined by the Constitution of the United State. The powers granted to the President are approved to him under  Article II of the Constitutional Acts. A few of the Powers granted to the president are as follows:

1. He is responsible for enforce laws framed by the legislature.

2. He is  “commander-in-chief” of the armed forces

3. He as  veto laws  

4. He can propose  a budget  

5. He can appoint federal judges, the cabinet and ambassadors  

Though the president is the chief of the United States he doesn't exercise full authority over the legislation of the United States as some authority is not granted to him like he can't vote in the Impeachment of government officials.  

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2. According to the supreme court, which of these most likely prompted the arrest of the protesters in Edwards v. South Carolina?brainly.com/question/2419144

3. according to Wallerstein's world-systems theory, which countries have the highest levels of economic development? a. core countries b. semi-periphery countries c. periphery countries d. all countries inside the Brandt line?


Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: US Constitution

Keywords: Article II, executive outlet, Federal government, Federal laws President, federal judges, ambassadors, cabinet, veto laws, veto laws, power, jurisdiction

The father of Greek democracy was _____. Cleisthenes Solon Leonidas Pericles


People credit Cleisthenes with the introduction of democracy to Athens - this is the correct answer.

He was a grandson of a tyrant, and he helped overthrow another tyrant.  Before his times Athens was typically ruled by tyrants. He increased the power of the citizen's assembly



why is the literature of exploration filled with so many journals, letters, and other nonfiction sources


Hi There! :)

Why is the literature of exploration filled with so many journals, letters, and other nonfiction sources

 sources has a lot of ideas and even actual events that can be converted into artistic literary works.

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The shift from living in the cities to living in suburbs put more focus on family life. It also was a time when there were tight-knit communities when everyone knew their neighbor.

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The Mercator projection, a popular map in classrooms in the United States, is a conformal map. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option. This map has two properties that make it a navigators delight and they are conformality and straight rhumb lines. I hope this helps.
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