Transition metals tend to A. form cations
B. lose electrons from the ns subshell first
C. form more than one ion
D. all of the above


Answer 1
Answer: I think the answer is D all of the above.

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Hope this helps   :)

How do ionic bonds affect the properties of ionic compounds?A) The bonds weakly hold ions together, increasing the melting point.
B) The bonds strongly hold ions together, reducing the boiling point.
C) The bonds prevent ions from moving throughout the crystal, so a solid ionic compound is a poor conductor.
D) The bonds prevent electrons from moving throughout the crystal, so a solid ionic compound is a poor conductor.


C) The bonds prevent ions from moving throughout the crystal, so a solid ionic compound is a poor conductor is your answer, however, technically speaking the bonds prevent electrons from moving, since the ions are locked in place and don't want their electrons to go.

Final answer:

Ionic bonds in ionic compounds result in a crystal lattice structure that prevents free movement of ions, making solid ionic compounds poor conductors of electricity. However, dissolved or melted ionic compounds can conduct electricity. Additionally, these strong bonds lead to high melting and boiling points for ionic compounds.


Ionic bonds greatly affect the properties of ionic compounds. Ionic bonds are formed when one atom donates an electron to another, resulting in charged ions that attract each other. Option C) and D) are both partly correct. Ionic bonds lock these ions in a crystal lattice structure which prevents free movement. This makes solid ionic compounds poor conductors of electricity. However, if these compounds are dissolved in water or melted (thus allowing ions to move freely), they can conduct electricity.

Moreover, ionic bonds are strong. As a result, it requires a lot of energy to break these bonds, leading to high melting and boiling points for ionic compounds, which eliminates options A) and B).

Learn more about Ionic bonds here:


Select all that apply. Which statements correspond to cellular respiration? O 2 is pumped in and forces CO 2 out. CO 2 diffuses passively out of the cell. CO 2 must be pumped out of the cell. CO 2 diffuses passively into the cell. O 2 diffuses passively when converted to CO 2. O 2 diffuses passively when produced inside the cell.



The correct answer is CO2 diffuses passively out of the cell.


Carbon dioxide  is one of the end product of cellular metabolism.CO2 is produced as waste material inside the body after cellular respiration.

      Carbon dioxide is transported out from the body by passive diffusion process which helps the CO2 gas to move along the concentration gradient from high concentration region(body) to the low concentration region(atmosphere).

    Thus CO2 ia being eliminated from our body.

100 Points and Brainliest to the correct answer, if you type a random answer I will reportHow can matter and energy be described and conserved in a variety of systems? Hypotheses: As you view each scenario, make a prediction about what will occur when prompted by the video. The Iced Tea Debate The Salty Soup Predictions—What do you think will happen? Materials: 1. Demonstrations: “The Iced Tea Debate” and “The Salty Soup.” Procedures: 1. Observe and analyze the following video demonstrations: “The Iced Tea Debate” and “The Salty Soup.” 2. Use the data table to record observations on physical and chemical change, and the conservation of matter and energy. Variables: List the variables for The Iced Tea Debate: Independent: Dependent: Control: List the variables for The Salty Soup: Independent: Dependent: Control: Data and Observations: Record your detailed observations and draw some brief conclusions in the table below. The Iced Tea Debate The Salty Soup Describe the physical changes you observed. Describe the chemical changes you observed. Describe the instances of conservation of matter and energy in each demonstration. Questions and Conclusion 1. How was matter and energy conserved in each demonstration? 2. What phase changes did you observe? 3. What kind/s of energy transfers did you notice in each scenario? 4. Identify an example of matter and energy conservation in the world around you. Conclusion: How did your observations support or contradict your predictions? Describe an experiment that could further explore physical or chemical change.


Final answer:

The experiments 'The Iced Tea Debate' and 'The Salty Soup' illustrate different physical changes and energy transfers in the context of the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy.


In 'The Iced Tea Debate', the independent variable could be the temperature of the tea, the dependent variable could be how quickly the ice melts and the control variable could be the amount of tea used in each trial. The Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. In this case, the ice melting is a physical change, and the energy transferred is thermal energy from the tea to the ice.

In 'The Salty Soup,' the independent variable could be the amount of salt added, the dependent variable could be the taste of the soup, and the control variable could be the type of soup used. The added salt dissolving into the soup is a physical change, and no noticeable energy transfer occurs.

One example of conservation of matter and energy in everyday life is the process of photosynthesis in plants. The plant absorbs sunlight (energy), carbon dioxide, and water, and converts them into glucose and oxygen, thus conserving matter and energy.

Learn more about Conservation of Matter and Energy here:


Final answer:

In these demonstrations, matter and energy were conserved, as total mass and energy stayed constant. Significant phase and energy transformations were observed, like the melting of ice and the dissolving of salt. The total mass before and after the transformations remained the same, demonstrating the law of conservation of mass.


Matter and energy can be described as being conserved in a variety of systems because they can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred between objects or converted from one form to another. In 'The Iced Tea Debate' and 'The Salty Soup' demonstrations,

Variables would include: Independent variable: the substance added (be it ice tea or salt); Dependent variable: physical and chemical changes observed; Control variables: the initial conditions of the system, like temperature and pressure.

When analyzing the results of each of these demonstrations, you should observe energy transfers, in the form of heat in both scenarios.

Moreover, there would be conservation of matter observable in both scenarios. This can be proven by extracting and weighing all substances before and after their reactions, summing up the total mass, which should stay constant.

To answer the questions:

  1. In each demonstration, matter was conserved as the total mass remained constant despite the transformations. Energy was conserved as it was converted from one form to another.
  2. Phase changes observed would be the melting of ice in the Iced Tea and the dissolving of salt in the soup.
  3. Energy transfer in both scenarios was likely in the form of heat, from the hotter substance to the colder one.
  4. An example of matter and energy conservation in the world around you could be photosynthesis.

Learn more about Conservation of Matter and Energy here:


What is the volume occupied by 0.108 mol of helium gas at a pressure of 0.909 atm and a temperature of 306 K ? Express your answer using three significant figures. Would the volume be different if the gas was argon (under the same conditions)? The volume would be the lower for argon gas. The volume would be the same for argon gas. The volume would be the greater for argon gas.


Answer: 2.93 L


AI-generated answer

To find the volume occupied by 0.108 mol of helium gas at a pressure of 0.909 atm and a temperature of 306 K, we can use the ideal gas law equation:

PV = nRT

where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

Rearranging the equation to solve for V:

V = (nRT) / P

Plugging in the given values:

n = 0.108 mol

R = 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K) (the ideal gas constant)

T = 306 K

P = 0.909 atm

V = (0.108 mol * 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K) * 306 K) / 0.909 atm

Calculating this expression, we find that the volume occupied by 0.108 mol of helium gas at a pressure of 0.909 atm and a temperature of 306 K is approximately 2.93 L.

Now, let's consider the second part of the question: Would the volume be different if the gas was argon (under the same conditions)?

The volume would be the same for argon gas.

According to the ideal gas law, at the same temperature, pressure, and number of moles, the volume occupied by a gas is the same regardless of the gas's identity. Therefore, if we replaced helium gas with argon gas while keeping the same conditions of pressure, temperature, and number of moles, the volume occupied by argon gas would be the same, approximately 2.93 L.