Why is cholera still a problem even though the cause of the disease is understood?


Answer 1

Outbreaks are common in places that have low development and limited resources to combat the illness.

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Answer: I don’t understand your question very well but I’m guessing ww2 because Benito Mussolini was the dictator of Italy from 1925 to 1945 hope it helps





The map above shows UV radiation levels in Africa and the Middle East. Depletion of the ozone layer causes higher levels of UV radiation to reach the earth.What conclusion can be drawn about the ozone layer over southern Africa?
The ozone layer is changing.
The ozone layer is very thin.
The ozone layer is just fine.
The ozone layer is very thick.


The ozone layer is very thin, because the ozone layer helps keep UV radiation from bombarding the Earth. The thinker you get, the lower the UV index; the thinner you get, higher the UV Index. On the map, it shows southern Africa as purple, +9 UV, which means that the ozone layer is very thin and not much ozone is stopping the radiation from bombarding the surface.

What did Victoriano Carranza do when he came into power in Mexico in 1915?


When Madero was murdered in February 1913, Carranza drew up the Plan de Guadalupe, a purely political plan to oust Huerta. Carranza became the leader of northern forces opposed to Huerta. He went on to lead the Constitutionalist faction to victory and become president of Mexico.

Answer: d. He attempted to use international diplomacy to end border issues.

Explanation: Carranza tried to take out his political opponents. Carranza won acknowledgment from the United States however took emphatically patriot positions. Amid his organization, the present constitution of Mexico was drafted and received. Carranza did not execute its most extreme components, for example, strengthening of work, utilization of the state to seize outside undertakings, land change in Mexico, or concealment of the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico.

How did the plebeians gain power in the republic for what changes were they responsible


They gained power by going on strike from serving in the army and left Rome to create their own government..

The changes: They were allowed to form the Council of Plebs and elect their own officials, become consuls, and pass laws.

Final answer:

The plebeians, once considered Rome's lower class, slowly amassed power in the Roman Republic through political changes and reforms, including the establishment of the Council of Plebs, the creation of the Twelve Tables of law, and securing the right to stand for the office of consul.


The plebeians, originally Rome’s general populace, gradually gained power in Ancient Rome's republic through a series of political and social changes. One notable change was the establishment of the 'Council of the Plebs' around 494 BC. This was a result of a 'plebeian strike' where they refused to serve in the military until they were given political representation. The Council held legislative authority and had the power to pass laws that applied not just to the plebeians, but to all Romans.

Another significant development involved the creation of the 'Twelve Tables' around 450 BC. These were written laws that laid out legal rights and responsibilities for all Romans, thereby reducing patrician control over legal interpretation. Furthermore, plebeians gained the right to stand for the office of consul, the highest position in the Roman Republic, through the 'Lex Licinia Sextia' in 367 BC.

Thus, plebeians increased their power in the republic by securing political representation, legislating laws, gaining legal transparency, and securing the ability to occupy the highest political office. These changes reflect the plebeians' struggle to achieve social equality and justice against the ruling patrician class.

Learn more about Plebeian Rise in Power here:



Which of the following was a result of the labor movement during the Progressive Age?A.
Antitrust laws were enacted to protect workers.

The rights of women in the workforce were recognized.

Antidiscrimination laws were passed to protect minority workers.

New regulations improved the safety and health of factory workers.


New regulations improved the safety and health of factory workers was a result of the labor movement during the Progressive Age.

Option D


In the Industrialisation era that is from 1900 -1920 there was rapid urbanisation. This growth in the field of industrialisation and urbanisation has caused lot of problem to the society. To put an end to the problems a reform movement constituted by the middle class working community is called progressivism.

These progressivism main goals are to remove social and economic discrimination; all utilities like rail, road transport are to be made public and not to permit private ownership and revolting against the government’s actions or laws.

Progressive Movement was against poor working condition in the factories, against child labour, unfair taxes, and demand for good housing facilities for the public. The main focus of the movement is against the corruption and political machinery.

Which factor of production is LEAST likely labeled in the photo?


In the Factor of production, the least likely labeled was Capital.


  • Factors of production are Land, Labour, Capital, and Entrepreneurship.
  • One of the most important factors of production was land. it is the source of all kinds of production.
  • Labour is the human worker who spends their mental and physical effort in getting income. They were also important in the factors of production.  
  • Goods which are used for the production are all capital. This is not mentioned in the label. Entrepreneurship, the person who put all his risk in the way of production.


