Drag each tile to the correct box . Arrange the events in the order in which they occurred.
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Answer 1


1. The Allied forces land on five French beaches in Normandy.

2.American soldiers and French fighters march northward through France.

3.The Nazi forces surrender to the Allies in Paris.

4.The Allies liberate Belgium and the Netherlands from Nazi control.


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How did the feudal system increase Williams control over England?
Please can explain fully!!!


Feudalism is the name given to the system of government William I introduced to England after he defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings. Feudalism became a way of life in Medieval England and remained so for many centuries.William I is better known as William the Conqueror. He had defeated the English army lead by Harold but he had to gain control of all of England before he could be truly called king of England. He was a foreigner who had forced his way to London. He was not popular with the people of England and he had to use force to maintain his control on England.William could not rule every part of the country himself - this was physically impossible. Not only was travel difficult and slow in the eleventh century, he was also still Duke of Normandy and he had to return to Normandy to maintain his control of this land in France. Therefore, he had to leave the country for weeks at a time. He needed a way of controlling England so that the people remained loyal.William spent much of his time in London. He built his own castle - the Tower of London - so that it dominated the city. It was also his home while in London. He did not trust the builders of London - or English stone - so he used Norman craftsmen to do the skilled work while the English acted as labourers and he brought in from Caen (in France) the stone needed for what we now call the White Tower. He also built the first castle at Windsor. The motte is still visible. Castles represented a visible threat to the people of England. Soldiers were kept in them and they could be used against the English should they cause trouble.However, he needed a way of actually governing the country. This was the Feudal System. William divided up England into very large plots of land - similar to our counties today. These were 'given' to those noblemen who had fought bravely for him in battle. William argued that those noblemen who were willing to die in battle for him, would also be loyal to him. The land was not simply given to these nobles. They had to swear an oath of loyalty to William, they had to collect taxes in their area for him and they had to provide the king with soldiers if they were told to do so. In the eleventh century, a sworn oath on the Bible was a very important thing and one which few men would dare to break as it would condemn them to Hell. The men who got these parcels of land would have been barons, earls and dukes  Within their own area, they were the most important person there. In the terms of the Feudal System, these men, the barons etc., were known as tenants-in-chief.Even these pieces of land were large and difficult to govern. The barons etc. had to further divide up their land and these were 'given' to trusted Norman knights who had also fought well in battle. Each knight was given a segment of land to govern. He had to swear an oath to the baron, duke or earl, collect taxes when told to do so and provide soldiers from his land when they were needed. It was argued, that because they had sworn an oath to their baron, they had really sworn an oath to the king. These lords worked to maintain law and order. The people in their land - or manors - were treated harshly and there was always the constant threat of Norman soldiers being used against the English people where ever they lived. The lords had to do their job well as unsuccessful ones could be removed from their position. Their job was simple - keep the English people in their place......under the control of the Normans. Under the Feudal System, these men, the knights, were called sub-tenants.Note that both groups were officially tenants - a word we associate with land that does not belong to you. Both all but rented out their land in that they had to provide money or services to the real owner of all land -William the Conqueror. At the bottom of the ladder were the conquered English who had to do what they were told or pay the price for their disobedience.

Hope that helped!

1. The cotton gin changed agriculture in the South by: a.simplifying the planting process.

    b.making cotton the dominant crop.

    c.combining cotton and wheat farms.

    d. encouraging textile factory construction.

William Lloyd Garrison’s The Liberator was known for appealing to its readers’ sense of:
    a.moral correctness.

    b.modern convenience.

    c.economic concern.

    d.social status.


Mark each statement if it accurately describes some aspect of the Five Pillars of Islam. A. Anyone who claims to be Muslim but does not make a pilgrimage to Mecca cannot achieve salvation. B. All Muslims are called to prayer five times a day. C. Muslims give up meat and sweets during Lent each year.



B. All Muslims are called to prayer five times a day

D. Muslims must sincerely express their faith in Allah.

E.  Giving alms to the poor is an important aspect of Islam.


  • As a tradition Muslims have to offer prayers five in a day and must seriously act and show faith in the god Allah, they must give alms to the poor that is an important aspect of the preaching.  
  • Thus Prayer, Alms, Fasting, Pilgrimage, and Profession of Faith are considered to be five pillars of Islam ans even the Sunni an Shia agree on them and are followed by the Muslim community throughout the world.
and C were definitely in the Five Pillars of Islam. Nothing else is! 

                        -Hope this meets you well, Enjoy Brainly!

How was Albrecht Dürer of the Northern Renaissance similar to Leonardo da Vinci of the Italian Renaissance? A. Both constructed large religious buildings. B. Both predominantly painted wall panels. C. Both were skilled in multiple professions. D. Both taught painting in the Spanish court.


The correct answer is C) both were skilled in multiple professions.

Albrecht Dürer of the Northern Renaissance and Leonardo da Vinci of the Southern Renaissance were similar in that both were skilled in multiple professions.

Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Dürer were two important artist from the Renaissance times. Dürer(1471-1528) was the most important artist from Germany in the Renaissance. He worked in painting, altarpieces, woodcuts, engravings, and portraits. Leonardo da Vinci is an icon. He was a genius. This Italian man worked not only as a painter and sculptor, but he devised some engineering devices as the first rudimental idea of a helicopter and other technological inventions...

The answer is B. Both predominantly painted wall panels.

Which new deal agency was created to specifically serve this population


The New Deal was the name given by the president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, to his interventionist policies developed between 1933 and 1938, consisting of a series of programs, public work projects and financial reforms aimed to relief the effects of the Great Depression. Among others, some of the major public programs and agencies were the Social Security Administration, the Farm Security Administration, the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and the Civilian Conservation Corps. Most importantly, the Civil Works Administration played a fundamental role in the economic recovery, directly providing jobs to unemployed Americans; in January 1934, the Agency goal was already fulfilled, having created 4 million jobs for unemployed and vulnerable citizens.

Final answer:

The New Deal era saw the creation of several agencies to aid specific populations. The Social Security Act served the elderly, unemployed, disabled, and young, while the Works Progress Administration provided jobs during the Depression, notably employing a significant number of African Americans and women. The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was aimed at assisting the poor to combat poverty.


During the era of the New Deal, several agencies were created to serve specific populations. The Social Security Act was established to help vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the unemployed, the disabled, and the young. It provided pensions for retired people over the age of 65, excluding domestic workers and farmers, hence leaving many women and African Americans beyond its purview. This was funded through a payroll tax on both the employee and employer.

Additionally, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), part of the Second New Deal, was aimed at providing jobs during the Depression. This agency employed a significant number of African Americans, making up nearly 15 percent of its workforce, and women, especially widows, single women, and wives of disabled husbands, who were involved in sewing projects to provide blankets and clothing to hospitals and relief agencies.

Lastly, the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was designed to assist the poor in fighting poverty and getting jobs by creating programs like the Job Corps and the Neighborhood Youth Corps.

Learn more about New Deal Agencies here:



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