The termination policy meant that _____ would become responsible for overseeing Native American reservation land.A. State governments
B. Federal agents
C. Local police
D. Tribal governments


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is this one: "A. State governments". The termination policy meant that state governments would become responsible for overseeing Native American reservation land. They are responsible for whatever activities and beneficial things that they can contribute to the reservation of Native American land.

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What was the political significance of the great compromise and the three-fifths compromise?



The two compromises established a delicate balance between the North and the South.


The Great Compromise of 1787, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, was a political agreement during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that defined the structure of the legislature of the United States. Under the Compromise, the legislature would be divided in two chambers: the Senate, as the upper house, where every state would have equal representation, and the Congress, the lower house, where seats would be allocated to states proportionally, according to their population. The Three-Fifths Compromise, on the other hand, was the other great compromise agreed during the Constitutional Convention. According to this compromise, three out of every five slaves would be counted as part of the population of each slave state when allocating seats for the Congress.

The political significance of these two compromises was that they established a delicate balance between the North and the South. For the northern states, which were generally smaller than the southern ones, the Great Compromise meant that they would be considered as equals. For the southern states, the Three-Fifths Compromise meant that they were overrepresented. If slaves had not been counted, they'd have been a minority in Congress. However, this balance was very fragile, and the disagreements between the North and South erupted into the Civil War of 1861-65,

Final answer:

The Great Compromise proposed a bicameral congress to achieve political balance between small and large states, and the Three-Fifths Compromise counted three-fifths of enslaved persons for federal representation and taxation, giving extra political power to slave states. Both compromises significantly shaped the U.S. political landscape.


The Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise had significant political implications for the formation and structure of the United States government. The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, proposed a bicameral congress. It assuaged the fears of both small and large states by allowing for variable representation: equal representation for each state in the Senate and proportional representation in the House of Representatives, based on state population.

The Three-Fifths Compromise, on the other hand, pertained to the issue of slavery and representation. Under this compromise, three-fifths of the enslaved population would be counted when determining a state's representation in the House of Representatives and its federal tax bill. This compromise effectively gave extra political power to slave states and had a profound impact on the political balance between the North and South. However, it also entrenched racial prejudice in the Constitution by implying that enslaved people were less than fully human.

Both compromises played a crucial role in shaping the U.S. political landscape. They determined how states were represented in the federal government and managed contentious issues like slavery, ensuring the preservation of the Union.

Learn more about Great Compromise and Three-Fifths Compromise here:


Why do you think people feel so strongly about slavery? Answer in a full paragraph?


American slavery has always been a highly debated topic throughout the years. Often, people associate slavery with words such as brutal, cruel, inhumane, and horrible. Slaves were forced to forget about freedom and forget about the liberties of life that we American’s now take for granted. In the readings “Slaves Appeal”, “Walker’s Appeal”, “Prospectus for the Liberator”, and the movie “Roots” there were many circumstances where slavery was described and realistically documented. 

When people have been enslaved for many generations, and there are many people in the world who've had that experience, and are still having that experience, it's very traumatic.  It does a lot of psychological damage that can take many generations to reverse, and if that process is botched it can just linger on indefinitely.  Naturally, people have very strong feelings about something that influences their lives so intimately and negatively.

For example, a form of slavery, feudalism, was rampant throughout Europe.  People who'd been entrapped in it for centuries fled to America.  There they found a civilization where the former 'nobles' (slave masters) in the Old World considered them equal human beings!  And all they had to do to achieve that equality was point their fingers at Black Americans and call them the inferiors (slaves).

Unfortunately, this was not a legitimate form of emancipation and it did not heal any of their problems.  It's all been festering now for two, three hundred years and they haven't made any progress at all on what ails them.  The only hope they've found has been the progress Black people have made in emancipating themselves in a legitimate way.  Many whites have found some degree of recovery.  You'll find them identifying themselves as 'anti-racist. ' That's generally coincidental with people into 'personal growth.'  

Their less fortunate, disadvantaged white brethren who still ascribe to the delusional form of so-called equality and freedom are rarely ever the achievers of any kind of personal growth.  So, you see, the post traumatic stress disorders from their unfortunate experience in Europe have remained intact to this very day, and impact their lives strongly, hence their strong feelings about slavery, that, if they're still in a state of denial about these oppression issues, have become quite twisted.

What are the most compelling arguments you found in favor of abolishing the Electoral College?


Some of the most compelling arguments in favor of abolishing the electoral college are (1) it will make the every vote count regardless of what party you are in. (2) candidates will campaign openly to all states. (3) it can get people get involved in vote participation and lastly it will comprehend that the chosen candidate will represent the people not to which state they came from.

what do you think was the most important step taken by city planners and government officials to improve city life


simple,street improvement cleaning maintenance free food free tools for those

In what decade did Benito Mussolini become dictator of Italy?a. 1910s
b. 1920s
c. 1930s
d. 1940s


Benito Mussolini became the prime minister of Italy in 1922- the correct answer is b)

He has been the prime minister of Italy for almost 20 years - ruling until 1943.

He has been present in Italian politics since 1912, so a decade earlier.

What are three primary causes for the fall of the Han empire?



Chinese historians have spent well over a thousand years trying to understand why the Han Dynasty collapsed. Over time they developed three main theories: 1) bad rulers; 2) the influence of empresses and court eunuchs over child emperors too young to rule by themselves; and 3) the Yellow Turban Revolt.