A 21st-century country has a powerful economy based on designing advanced computer software. Though its economy was once based on producing cars, toys, and other manufactured goods, it has recently seen those industries relocate to countries with lower labor costs. The country has a very small population, but its citizens have easy access to health care and modern communication technology that allows them to access culture from around the world. To which of the following categories does this country likely belong?A. Overdeveloped
B. Developing
C. Underdeveloped
D. Developed


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for this question is this one: "D. Developed." The category that the country is likely belong is developed. The country was able to supply and support the needs of its constituents most especially with the health ones and modern technology. It shows that their economy is stable.
Answer 2

The right answer is "D. Developed"

Developed countries are nations with high economic and social development. This classification uses criteria such as degree of wealth, level of industrialization and development, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), per capita income and Human Development Index (HDI). Economic development is also a preponderant criterion of classification.

In addition, developed countries dominate other countries economically and have stable economic development. They generate revenues through the industrial sector.

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If the Supreme court refuses to hear a case on appeal from the lower courts, then the ruling of the lower court stands. Most of the cases that the supreme court hears are related to constitutional issues or federal laws. There are more than 7000 cases that come up for hearing in the Supreme Court and many get rejected.


If the Supreme court refuses to hear a case on appeal from the lower courts, then the ruling of the lower court stands. Most of the cases that the supreme court hears are related to constitutional issues or federal laws. There are more than 7000 cases that come up for hearing in the Supreme Court and many get rejected.


22. Why did attempts at peace with the Native Americans fail? ​



After the Piegan massacre, in 1870, military officers were barred from holding elected or appointed offices. During Grant's first term, American Indian Wars decreased. By the end of his second term, his Peace policy fell apart.

Which is the Peace Treaty ^


Hope this helped



Why do you think Paul Revere Illustrated the colonists in that way


the colonists are shown reacting to the British when in fact they had attacked the soldiers.

Who was the main sponsor of the league of nations


Answer:    Woodrow Wilson

Explanation:   The main sponsor of the League of Nations was the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson. The League of Nations was established in support of the Treaty of Versailles with the aim of resolving international disputes after the First World War, and that such a horror of war would no longer be repeated. It is considered that the League of Nations is the forerunner of the United Nations, and President Wilson made a major contribution to the formation of the League of Nations as part of the implication of his Fourteen Points, though America did not become a member.

the main sponsor was Woodrow Wilson

Why were americans in the 1990s concerned about outsourcing?


Outsourcing is the practice of hiring people outside their immediate company to work on some portions of their tasks. This is to reduce their cost or expenses.

Americans are concerned about outsourcing by companies because they fear for their jobs and job opportunities. Outsourcing rates are cheaper than hiring office based workers and if the company really is focused on lowering their expenses, then, they would prefer to outsource their labor than in-sourcing it.

Economic conditions after World War I led to


Answer:     The rise of fascism, Nazism, the strengthening of weapon production and WWII

Explanation:  The economic conditions after the First World War and the period of the 1930's were marked by the economic crisis. These opportunities are usually the ideal ground for the outcome of totalitarian regimes, which in their politic programs offer a recovery of the economy, the revival of production and the return of national pride, which is usually shaken by poor economic opportunities.  Thus, Mussolini and Fascism appear in Italy and Hitler with Nazism in Germany, with demagogic and inflammatory speeches about a glorious future. These and such "national uprising" mean the launching of an economy and, of course, the production of weapons in order to restore unjustly seized territories, and to acquire the living space necessary for national and economic revival. Such conditions lead to the imposition of will by force, occupation and ultimately to WWII.

After WW1 there were extreme fascists rulers like Hitler and Mussolini. They created there own authoritarian governments. and your answer is     

A rise in authoritarian governments and fascism in Europe