Charlie had some tests done recently to assess his risk for certain diseases. The results showed that he has a waist circumference of 47 inches, a BMI of 29, and a normal skin fold measurement test. What should Charlie do


Answer 1
Answer: Based on the results that he got from these different body composition tests, Charlie needs to lose weight and undergo a training program which addresses this concern. Aerobic activities like running, jogging, swimming, among others, are example of continuous activities that can challenge the heart, keep it strong, and also help the body utilize stored fat as energy. This then will help Charlie lose those unwanted pounds, waist inches, and lower his BMI.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Charlie's high waist circumference and BMI suggest he is at risk for certain health problems like cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, despite his normal skin fold measurement. He should consider diet, exercise, or consult a healthcare professional to reduce these risks.


Given Charlie's waist circumference of 47 inches and a BMI of 29, both are diagnostic markers for potential health risks. The waist circumference is particularly concerning as it suggests a high amount of abdominal fat, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. His Body Mass Index (BMI) is also on the higher end of what's considered overweight (24.9 - 29.9), which could lead to similar health issues. Despite having a normal skin fold measurement test which indicates average amounts of body fat, these other measures suggest that Charlie should take action to reduce his risk. This might include improving his diet, increasing physical activity, or consulting a healthcare professional for further advice.

Learn more about Health risk here:


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Final answer:

When a good friend of yours is diagnosed with arthritis and doesn't want his friends at college to know, I would a) Respect his privacy and keep the information confidential.


Respecting your friend's privacy and keeping the information about their arthritis diagnosis confidential is the most appropriate and ethical course of action in this situation. A diagnosis of a medical condition can be a deeply personal and sensitive matter, and it's essential to honor your friend's wishes regarding who should know about it.

Sharing this information with other friends without your friend's consent (option b) would breach their trust and violate their privacy. Confronting your friend about keeping secrets (option c) may not be supportive or empathetic, as it could pressure them into revealing something they are not comfortable sharing.

Finally, informing college authorities about your friend's condition (option d) would be a serious invasion of their privacy and should only be considered if there were a genuine concern for their safety and well-being that required official intervention.

In times like these, it's crucial to be a supportive and understanding friend. Let your friend know that you are there for them if they ever want to talk or seek support but respect their decision to keep their diagnosis private.

Learn more about diagnosed


The correct answer should be a) Respect his privacy and keep the information confidential

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Family planning is a service that helps couples _____.



Decide if they will have children or how many children.


Family planning involves medical education and activities in this context, which will help to determine the decision of couples, like if they really want children, or how many children they want or they should have according with their stability.

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- Low self-esteem.
- Difficulty dealing with conflict.
-Troubled relationship with parents
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What is the formula that is used to determine a persons BMI


IMC= (weight(Kg))/(height^(2) (mts))

Hey there

There are two methods to calculate BMI 

First Method is using the metric formula and the second way is by using the imperial formula. 

Metric formula =

BMI = ( weight in kilograms ) / ( Height in meter 
² )

Imperial formula =  

BMI = ( weight in Pounds x 703 ) / ( Height in inches ² )