What was the central issue during the 1892 presidential campaign? monetary standard monopolies and trusts tariff amounts education funds


Answer 1

The correct answer is:

c. tariff Amounts


Though fascinating Republicans rejected Harrison's re-nomination, Harrison beat James G. Blaine and William McKinley on the first official ballot of the 1892 Republican National Convention. The campaign concentrated mainly on economic issues, especially the protectionist 1890 McKinley Tariff.

Answer 2

The central issue during the 1892 presidential campaign was the debate over the monetary standard, specifically whether the United States should adhere to the gold standard or adopt a bimetallic standard.

The gold standard meant that the value of the U.S. currency would be based solely on gold, while a bimetallic standard would allow both gold and silver to serve as the basis for currency.

The main candidate representing the bimetallic standard was Democrat William Jennings Bryan, who delivered his famous "Cross of Gold" speech advocating for the unlimited coinage of silver. He argued that adopting a bimetallic standard would increase the money supply, stimulate the economy, and help struggling farmers and debtors.

On the other hand, the Republican candidate, incumbent President Benjamin Harrison, supported the gold standard. Republicans believed that adhering to the gold standard would maintain a stable currency, protect the value of money, and attract foreign investment.

Learn more about monetary here:



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The chart below I hope explains it.
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Hi There!

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Answer/ Explanation: Determining the most lasting impact of ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia on the world can be subjective, as different civilizations had significant contributions in various fields. However, one notable civilization that had a lasting impact is the Sumerian civilization. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Invention of Writing: The Sumerians developed one of the earliest known writing systems, called cuneiform. This invention revolutionized communication and paved the way for future civilizations to record and preserve knowledge. The concept of writing spread throughout the region and beyond, influencing the development of alphabets and written languages worldwide.

2. Legal and Administrative Systems: The Sumerians established complex legal and administrative systems to govern their cities. They developed laws, established courts, and created written records of legal codes. These systems influenced later civilizations, including the Babylonians and Assyrians, as well as the development of legal systems in various parts of the world.

3. Urban Planning and Architecture: The Sumerians built impressive cities with advanced architectural techniques. They constructed massive ziggurats, which were religious and administrative centers, as well as intricate irrigation systems to support agriculture. These architectural achievements influenced future civilizations in terms of urban planning and construction techniques.

4. Mathematical and Astronomical Knowledge: The Sumerians made significant contributions to mathematics and astronomy. They developed a number system based on 60 (which is still used for measuring time and angles today) and made astronomical observations that contributed to the development of calendars. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge influenced subsequent civilizations, including the Babylonians.

While the Sumerians had a significant impact, it is important to note that other ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, such as the Babylonians and Assyrians, also made substantial contributions to various fields. The lasting impact of these civilizations can be seen in areas such as law, literature, mathematics, astronomy, and architecture.