What does 'idea of satyagraha' highlight?


Answer 1

Answer: The idea of Satyagraha emphasized upon the power of truth and the need to search for truth. ... Through non-violent methods a Satyagraha could appeal the conscience of the oppressor by the power of truth, which was bound to win.


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They believe that there are more than one god and is connected to rome and a sort-of way. 

Which sentence uses possessive pronouns correctly?a. That aquarium filled with goldfish is our's.
b. The yellow towels are hers and the red are his.
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B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it for a fact
B for sure
hope it helps

Which statement about Napoleon Bonaparte is true? A. He lost most of the battles he fought against France's enemies across Europe. B. He captured Moscow but then had to retreat with terrible losses. C. He invaded England after defeating the Royal Navy at Trafalgar. D. He crushed an English army under the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo.


There are different kinds of statement. The statement about Napoleon Bonaparte that is true is that He captured Moscow but then had to retreat with terrible losses.

Napoleon Bonaparte was known to be a military mastermind, He was said to be close to been invincible on the battlefield

He meant his end on his disastrous Russian campaign in 1812, from which he was said to never recovered from. he was said to be forced to abdicate in 1814.

Learn more about Napoleon Bonaparte from


The correct option is option "B."

He captured Moscow but then had to retreat with terrible losses.  According to the popular legend only about 22,000 of Napoleon's men survived the Russian campaign. However, some sources say that no more than 380,000 soldiers were killed.

Why is the period of the Gupta Empire referred to as the Golden Age of India?


Founded by Sri Gupta, the Gupta empire was one of the largest empires of Ancient India. Historians regard this period as the Golden Age in the history of Ancient India.  Chandragupta I, Samudragupta, and Chandragupta II were some of the prominent rulers of the Gupta dynasty. For around two centuries, the rulers of this dynasty provided political integration to a wide part of north India. The Guptas effectively ruled their empire accommodated in the development of those situations which brought about the growth of Sanskrit language and literature, widespread discoveries and inventions in science,  trade and commerce, agriculture, art, logic, technology, mathematics, astronomy, engineering, dialectic, religion and philosophy. All these developments that took place in this period made historians call the period as the Golden Age.

The peace and prosperity in the Gupta Empire initiated aperiod known as the Golden Age of India because it was marked by extensive inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy.

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Ancient china believed that events in the sky directly reflected events on earth. As tradition dictated that the rulers of China, first kings and later emperors, should receive their political mandate from the sky, astronomy soon became a dominant science in China. The emperor was believed to be the Son of Heaven who had been given the Mandate, or right to rule, by Heaven itself. It was vital that he could prove that he retained this right by predicting the movements of the sky accurately.
Observing patterns in the sky