FOUR pre war conflicts were over:A. control of the Balkan States
B. North African colonies
C. Alsace‐Lorraine
D. Italy joining the Triple Alliance
E. freeing of Italians under Austrian rule


Answer 1

The correct answer is "Control of the Balkan States".

Political instability in the region of the Balkans, which comprises Bosnia and Serbia and Herzegovina was the prelude for what would later become the First World War. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire was assassinated in Serbia in 1914. This was interpreted as an explicit declaration of Serbian "nationalism" and an intention to separate from the Austro Hungarian Empire. After Russia sided with Serbia, Germany decided to ally with the Austro Hungary, initiating the first World War.

Answer 2
Answer: A, D, E, and C are the answers

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B) council-manager government.
C) general-purpose government.
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A) special-purpose government.



A) special-purpose government.


A special-purpose government is one where a specific service is offered. A school district is a good example of this, since educational services are a specialized, specific service.

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b. powers that are reserved only for states
c. powers that are shared between the states and the federal government
d. powers that are reserved only for the federal government


I believe the answer is choice C. Concurrent power is when the legislative powers are divided into the state government and the federal government. The division of powers are not done differently but in a simultaneous manner. This will provide a check and balance system so that the powers are implemented well.
concurrent powers are: c. powers that are shared between the states and the federal governmentBut in case when a conflict happen when both states and the feds conduct this power, the feds will always get a leeway from the court. Examples of concurrent powers are: The power to regulating tax, regulating court, and regulating election

the first 10 amendments, know as the bill of rights protect idulativealy freedoms and list the powers of the fredal goverment. WIth amendment limts the power of the state government and extends the Bill of rights protection to ciztens of a state


The fourteenth amendment.

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large windows,pastel-colored walls,and open-air balconies and terraces are major features of the mediterranean architecture.

pastel-colored walls