What is the momentum of a 12,000 kg car moving at a speed of 40 m/s?


Answer 1

Momentum = (mass) x (speed)

Momentum = (12,000 kg) x (40 m/s)

Momentum = (12,000 x 40) kg-m/s

Momentum = 480,000 kg-m/s

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What's the Coulomb's law?


In layman's term:
like charges don't attract while opposite charges doelectrostatic forces between point A( which is charged) and point B (which is also charged) are proportional to the charge of point A and point B. there is also something else about this  law that I don't quite remember.


Here is the formula:

F = k x Q1 x Q2/d^2

What the formula means:

F=force between charges

Q1 and Q2= amount of charge

d=distance between these two charges

k= Coulombs constant (proportionally constant)


I think that about covers it and hopefully this helped.

Coulomb's law states that if you place two particles of respective charges q_1,q_2 at a distance d from each other, one will exert the following force on the other :

\vec{F}=k(q_1q_2)/(d^2)\vec{u} where \vec{u} is a unit vector from the first charge to the other and k is a positive constant.

A direct consequence of this is that two charges of same sign repel each other, while two charges of opposite signs attract each other.

15 POINTS! What are some differences and similarities between Electromagnetic and Mechanical waves?


Elecromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum, but a mechanical wave cannot.Mechanical waves can only exist in a medium, such as air or water. Electromagneticwaves behave like waves and particles, but mechanical waves only behavelike waves.

What triggers a sinkhole collapse?



Decline of water levels drought, groundwater pumping  Disturbance of the soil  digging through soil layers, soil removal, drilling. Point-source of water  leaking water/sewer pipes, injection of water.


Humid air is a better electrical conductor than dry air. Explain why you are most likely to receive a shock after walking across a carpet when the air is dry than when the air is humid.


The carpet is more likely to accumulate excess electric charge (static electricity) over time when there is no good way for it discharge. The dry air, as was said, insulates the carpet and makes it prone to such accumulation. This is less the case with humid air that allows the carpet to continuously discharge a portion of its electric charge over time and thus spares us--the walkers--a minor shock.

Final answer:

Dry air is a better electrical conductor than humid air, which is why you are more likely to receive a shock after walking across a carpet when the air is dry compared to when the air is humid.


The reason you are more likely to receive a shock after walking across a carpet when the air is dry than when the air is humid is because dry air is a better electrical conductor than humid air. When the air is dry, it has a lower field strength, meaning that it takes a smaller voltage to create a spark. On the other hand, humid air breaks down at a lower field strength, so it takes a larger voltage to create a spark. This is why you are more likely to get a shock on a dry day.

Learn more about Electrical Conduction here:



A distance between two consecutive troughs in a wave motion train produced in a string is 5 cm. Find speed of wave , if two complete waves pass through any point per second


Speed= (frequency) x (wavelength)

= (2 per second) x (5 cm) = 10 cm/sec .

Which property is shown by the rails of a railway track?A) perpendicularity
B) parallelism
C) intersecting lines
D) opposites​


Parallelism is a property shown by the rails of a railway track.

Option B


Parallelism is the property of the lines which do not meet in a plane,  those lines which "do not intersect or touch each other" are parallel to each other.

In the given example, railway lines of railway track are said to be parallel since they are at an equal distance to each point so that the wheels of the train be on track. Since these railway lines do not meet each other even at infinity, they are said to be parallel.




i took the quiz on Edge 2020 and got it right i promise :)

also this question is mostly based on common sense because if two lines will never intersect they are parallel and train tracks will never intersect so they are also parallel and they only word there that has parallel in it is parallelism so the answer has to be parallelism.