Acid rain is rain that carries unusually high acids that can break down rocks. This is an example of a __________ interaction.


Answer 1


chemical interaction


Acid rain is precipitation with the presence of sulfuric acid, nitric and nitrous acid, resulting from reactions and chemical interactions that occur in the atmosphere.

All rainfall is acidic, even in environments without pollution. However, rainfall becomes an environmental problem when its pH is below 4.5. They result from the exaggerated amount of fossil fuel combustion products released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities.

Answer 2

this is a example of a chemical reaction.

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Correct answer choice is :

A) Vocational and technical programs.


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It’s vocational and technical programs. Hope it helps

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1. 2 = B

2. 176 g = D

3. 6=D

4. 12 = D

5. 2 = B

I NEED THIS ANSWERED ASAP!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! A country passes legislation requiring that all plants imported from other countries undergo extensive tests to demonstrate that they are not carrying any invasive species of insect. Identify a potential economic benefit and a potential cost of this policy, and explain how it utilizes the precautionary principle.


Great question! Let me help you with this.

1. Potential economic benefit: The potential economic benefit can come from two areas. One, lower imports of plants will improve the trade deficit of the country.

Secondly, Imported plants may cause damage to the local ecology and restricting their import would save costs of environmental damage.

2. Potential costs: The first potential cost is that other countries might restrict importing our plants, which would be a blow to the export industry.
Secondly, a whole floriculture industry might be dependent on important plans which might face a lot of trouble after the ban.