Which of the following was one of the two issues involving slavery in the Constitution? A.) Whether three-fifths of slaves should be free
B.) How slaves would be counted for representation
C.) How to return slaves to Africa
D.) Whether to allow men who were former slaves to vote


Answer 1
Answer: One of the two issues involving slavery in the Constitution was:

How slaves would be counted for representation.

Southern states needed different states to come back at liberty slaves. The Articles of Confederation had not bonded this. However once Congress opted the Northwest Ordinance, it a clause ensuring that slaves who at liberty to the Northwest Territories would come to their homeowners. The representatives placed the same escaped slave clause within the Constitution. This was a part of a take care of geographic area states.
Answer 2


B.) How slaves would be counted for representation


After much debate, it was agreed that representation in the lower house of Congress would be based on population. The upper house, however, would be composed of two delegates from each state. In that way, the lower house represented the people, and the upper house represented the states. This agreement is known as the Great Compromise. Two things made this compromise great. First, it assured the political power of the small states. Second, it committed the delegates to a new form of government. The Articles of Confederation would be abandoned.

Once the representation problem was resolved, the issue of slavery reared its head. The first debate was over whether slavery would be allowed. Some northern delegates wanted to take the opportunity to abolish slavery altogether. Other northerners and most southern delegates argued that slavery was too large of an issue to be argued there and worried that abolition would have a negative affect on the economy.

The second question was whether slaves should be considered as property or citizens. In this case, southerners believed that slaves should be considered people, and not just property, so they would have more representation in Congress. At that time, about 70 percent of the population in South Carolina was represented by slaves. Some delegates felt that South Carolina, and the rest of the Southern states, would have unfair representation if slaves were counted as population. Northerners, though many were anti-slavery, tried arguing that slaves should be considered only property and not counted as people to be represented.

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B.a new start on a piece of art

C.a painting that artists create by applying pigments to damp plaster walls

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A fresco is a painting that artists create by applying pigments to damp plaster walls. Option C is correct.

The fresco is considered as one of the most significant mural-making techniques in the history of art.

A fresco painting is a work of wall or ceiling art created by applying pigment onto intonaco, or a thin layer of plaster. It is translated to “fresh” in Italian, as a true fresco’s intonaco is wet when the paint is applied.

C is the answer it was put on freshly laid plaster or lime plaster

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planned to declare war on Japan.

was planning to defend Pearl Harbor.

was concerned about growing German domination of Europe.

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I would think that it is C which was concerned about growing German domination of Europe because the United States at this part of the war was still neutral and it's allies in Europe were taking a beating especially Great Britain. France was out of the picture. China wasn't doing so well either. So, the US in an effort to help its allies while still remaining neutral, passed the Lend Lease Act which provided, military, financial support to the countries that needed immediate help/. 

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3.Dorcas League


The alliance of Greek city-states was called the 1. Delian League.

What was the Delian League.

The Delian League was formed in 478 BCE as a defensive and mutual protection alliance against Persian aggression. The league was initially led by Athens and its purpose was to unite Greek city-states under Athenian leadership to deter further Persian invasions.

Over time, the Delian League evolved into an Athenian-dominated alliance, with Athens exerting significant influence and using the league's resources for its own benefit.

Read more on Delian League here brainly.com/question/28083185



1. Delian League


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