Give two reasons why we feel earths gravity more strongly than the moons gravity


Answer 1



The force of gravity is the physical force exerted by the mass of a planet on the objects that are within its gravitational field. In other words, this law establishes that bodies, by simply having mass, experience a force of attraction to other bodies with mass.

The force of gravity depends on the mass of each object. The force with which two objects are attracted is proportional to their mass and decreases rapidly with distance:

F=G*(m1*m2)/(r^(2) )

where G is the universal gravitation constant, whose value is

G=6.673*10⁻¹¹ (N*m^(2) )/(kg^(2) )

This expression indicates that the gravitational force that a point mass M exerts on another point mass m that is at a distance r from the previous one is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distances that separates them.

Given the above, it is possible to say that two reasons why we feel the Earth's gravity more strongly than the moon's gravity are:

  • Being the mass of a person the same, the mass of the Earth is greater than the mass of the Moon
  • The distance r between the Earth and us is much closer than the distance r between the Moon and us (remember that the Earth exerts its force of gravity from the center)

This causes the force exerted by the Earth on us to be much greater.

Answer 2

1).  The Earth has about 80 times as much mass as the Moon has.

2). The Earth is closer to many of us than the Moon is.

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C. The final kinetic energy is equal to the initial potential energy.


Based on the Principle of energy conservation:

Sum of the Initial Energy = Sum of the Final Energy

Initial Kinetic Energy + Initial Potential Energy = Final Kinetic Energy + Final Potential Energy..........(1)

Since according to the question:

Initial Kinetic Energy = 0

Final Potential Energy = 0

The equation (1) above reduces to

Initial Potential Energy = Final Kinetic Energy

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Answer: centimeters per second (cm/s)


The relation between the frequency and the wavelenght is:

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So in a relation of wavelenght vs frequency, we will have the relationship:

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λν=c where λ is the wavelength, ν is the frequency and c is the speed of light.

λ = c/v which is in cm/s/Hz

But we would use just cm! Because that's how we measure the wavelength in this example.

However, the constant is c, the speed of light, which we measure as a speed, so cm/s will do.