what would be the address of the cell, which is intersect of the second row and third column in a worksheet


Answer 1

Answer: The address of the cell is C2


In a worksheet like Microsoft Excel, there are rows and columns. It tags rows with numbers and tags columns with alphabet letters. For example, the first row is 1, the second row is 2, the third row is 3, and so on. Similarly, the first column is A, the second column is B and so on.

We want to know the address for the intersect of the second row i.e. 2, and the third column i.e. C in a worksheet. In other words, it might intersect column C and row 2.

A cell is a box where a row and column intersect. The address of the cell starts with the column, and next there is the row. In that case, we can conclude that the address of the cell is C2.

Answer 2

C2 or B3. This is if you are talking about Microsoft Excel.

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Provide your own examples of the following using Python lists. Create your own examples. Do not copy them from another source. Nested lists The “*” operator List slices The “+=” operator A list filter A list operation that is legal but does the "wrong" thing, not what the programmer expects Provide the Python code and output for your program and all your examples.


Lists are used in Python to hold multiple values in one variable

(a) Nested list

A nested list is simply a list of list; i.e. a list that contains another list.

It is also called a 2 dimensional list.

An example is:

nested_list = [[ 1, 2, 3, 4]  , [ 5, 6, 7]]

(b) The “*” operator

The "*" operator is used to calculate the product of numerical values.

An example is:

num1 = num2 * num3

List slices

This is used to get some parts of a list; it is done using the ":" sign

Take for instance, you want to get the elements from the 3rd to the 5th index of a list

An example is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

secondList = firstList[2:5]

The “+=” operator

This is used to add and assign values to variables

An example is:

num1 = 5

num2 = 3

num2 += num1

A list filter

This is used to return some elements of a list based on certain condition called filter.

An example that prints the even elements of a list is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

print(list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, firstList)))

A valid but wrong list operation

The following operation is to return a single list, but instead it returns as many lists as possible

def oneList(x, myList=[]):





Read more about Python listsat:


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you suck


To define constructors and member functions outside of a class's original scope, the operator can be used.


Answer: Scope resolution operator(::)

Explanation: A member function and the constructor can be called within the function easily but for the execution of the these components outside the class , a special operator is required to call the functions. The scope resolution operator(::) preceding with the name of class is thus used for defining of the function outside class.This operator maintains the cope of the function and constructor outside the class.

Given the following structure and variable definitions, struct customer { char lastName[ 15 ]; char firstName[ 15 ]; unsigned int customerNumber; struct { char phoneNumber[ 11 ]; char address[ 50 ]; char city[ 15 ]; char state[ 3 ]; char zipCode[ 6 ]; } personal; } customerRecord, *customerPtr; customerPtr = &customerRecord; write an expression that can be used to access the structure members in each of the following parts: a) Member lastName of structure customerRecord. b) Member lastName of the structure pointed to by customerPtr. c) Member firstName of structure customerRecord. d) Member firstName of the structure pointed to by customerPtr. e) Member customerNumber of structure customerRecord. f) Member customerNumber of the structure pointed to by customerPtr. g) Member phoneNumber of member personal of structure customerRecord. h) Member phoneNumber of member personal of the structure pointed to by customerPtr. i) Member address of member personal of structure customerRecord. j) Member address of member personal of the structure pointed to by customerPtr. k) Member city of member personal of structure customerRecord. l) Member city of member personal of the structure pointed to by customerPtr.



see explaination





customerPtr->lastName or (*customerPtr).lastName




customerPtr->firstName or (*customerPtr).firstName




customerPtr->customerNumber or (*customerPtr).customerNumber




customerPtr->personal.phoneNumber or (*customerPtr).personal.phoneNumber




customerPtr->personal.address or (*customerPtr).personal.address




customerPtr->personal.city or (*customerPtr).personal.city




customerPtr->personal.state or (*customerPtr).personal.state




customerPtr->personal.zipCode or (*customerPtr).personal.zipCode

Anna is a high school senior who plans to go to UT in the fall. Her parents have saved up some moneyfor her college education, but it will not be enough to pay for her tuition all four years. She does not
believe she will qualify for need based assistance. What advice would you give Anna?


Since Anna  does not believe she will qualify for need based assistance, the  advice that I would  give Anna is that she should be hopeful and not worry and then I will tell her also that since her parents cannot afford the fees, then she is more than qualified for it.

What is a need-based aid?

If you have a financial need and meet other eligibility requirements, you may be eligible for need-based funding. More need-based aid than what you actually need is not permitted.

Therefore,   the best advice one can give a person who is having financial issues is that they need to be confidence and also have the courage to believe that when they source for college funds, they will get it.

Learn more about assistance from
