Entomology is the study of _______.
a. words
b. insects
c. fish
d. flowers


Answer 1
Answer: Entomology is a branch of Zoology, that is the study of animals, and specifically it is the study of insects, so the correct answer is b).

The study of words , their meaning and their history, especially their change over time is "Etymology" - it's a similar word and can cause some confusion
Answer 2




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In Ephesians 6:14-18,List what we are suppose to do to put on the whole armor of god


Helmet of Salvation, The Sword of the Spirit, The shield of Faith, breastplate of righteousness; feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace,:

Scripture states: 
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

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18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Which statement would best conclude an evaluation of Dan DeLucas argument in Dylans Nobel Prize Setteles Debate: Rick Lyrics Are Poetry


The statement that would best conclude an evaluation of Dan DeLuca's argument in "Dylan's Nobel Prize Settles Debate: Rock Lyrics Are Poetry" is overall, Deluca's wide-ranging evidence will prove that rock lyrics are indeed poetry.


The article "Dylan's Nobel Prize Settles Debate: Rock Lyrics Are Poetry"was written by Dan Deluca. In this article he emphasizes the fact that the Rock lyrics written by Bob Dylan has great influence over the thoughts of the  people and through his Rock lyrics he tries to communicate various social issues with audience, in fact he uses his music to create social  awareness which is a noble cause and that's the reason  why he has won many prizes and Dan Deluca feels that his songs should be consider a poetry ,so that it can reach to a large number of audience which are interested in poems .Dan Deluca also feels that Bob Dylan should be awarded noble prize for his priceless contribution to the Rock lyrics.

The question is about Poetry and Rap Lyrics. Dan DeLuca in 'Dylan's Nobel Prize Settles Debate: Rick Lyrics Are Poetry' argues the thematic similarity and differing presentation styles between Romantic-period poetry and 1980s rap music suggest that rap lyrics qualify as poetry.

Poetry and rap lyrics share common elements but differ in presentation and purpose. Poetry is a literary form that employs artistic language and structure to convey emotions, themes, and ideas. It often focuses on imagery and metaphor. In contrast, rap lyrics are a subset of poetry characterized by rhythmic and rhyming patterns. They are usually performed to a beat and often address social issues or personal experiences. Both forms use language creatively, but rap places greater emphasis on rhythm, delivery, and often incorporates storytelling within a musical context.

In conclusion, Dan DeLuca has convincingly demonstrated in his argument in 'Dylan's Nobel Prize Settles Debate: Rick Lyrics Are Poetry' that there's an appreciable artistic connection between Romantic-period poetry and 1980s rap music. DeLuca affirms this through his evaluation of the thematic similarity between Wordsworth's 'Daffodils' and the Sugarhill Gang's 'Rapper's Delight', where both invoke imagination to offer escape from urban despair. Nevertheless, he acknowledges the stark contrast in their delivery style and form, underlying the debate over whether rap lyrics qualify as poetry. The unique presentation and aesthetic values of both the poem and the rap underline, rather than diminish their poetic qualities.

Learn more about Poetry and Rap Lyrics here:



which sentence has the correct parallel structure? My parents say that if I’m going to go, I have to pay for either half of the trip myself and pay for all of my spending money. My parents say that if I’m going to go, I have to pay for either half of the trip myself or pay for all of my spending money. My parents say that if I’m going to go, I have to pay for either half of the trip myself nor pay for all of my spending money.


The first sentence is the one that works with the situation, as it is giving a balanced set of reasoning, whereas the second is saying you should do neither, and doesn't really make much sense with the wording and structure of the sentence. I hope this helped!

Do preps have problems with school?



Yes, it is possible for preps (students who are part of the preppy subculture) to encounter problems with school, just like any other student. However, it's important to note that being a prep does not inherently determine a student's academic performance or behavior in school.

Here are a few potential problems that preps, or any student, may face in school:

1. Academic challenges: Preps, like any other student, may struggle with certain subjects or find it difficult to meet academic expectations. This can lead to stress, low grades, or a lack of motivation.

2. Peer pressure and social issues: Preps, being part of a specific subculture, may face challenges related to peer pressure and fitting in with their social group. This can affect their relationships with classmates, their ability to concentrate in class, or even result in bullying.

3. Time management: Preps, who may be involved in various extracurricular activities or have busy social lives, may struggle with time management. Balancing academic responsibilities, sports, clubs, and social events can sometimes lead to stress and a lack of focus on schoolwork.

4. High expectations: Preps, especially if they come from affluent backgrounds, may face high expectations from their families, peers, or themselves. This pressure to excel academically, participate in multiple activities, or maintain a certain image can contribute to stress and anxiety.

It's important to remember that these challenges can vary from person to person, and not all preps will necessarily encounter the same problems. Additionally, it's crucial to provide support, resources, and an inclusive environment for all students, regardless of their subculture or background, to ensure their success and well-being in school.


Which statement most accurately describes Zora Neale Hurston’s writing in “John Redding Goes to the Sea”?


Answer: D. Hurston's word choice and use of regional expressions create a vivid image of African American life in the South

Zora Neale Hurston wrote the story entitled John Redding Goes to the Sea.  Hurston uses the expressions from the town the story happens in order to be able to present a clearer picture of the scenario in the said town.