Regular ar verbs in spanish


Answer 1
Answer: hablar

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How do you speak in spanish


Well first you learn the language, Then you speak it.
You can try out this app that helps u speak Spanish is called Duilingo

Who covers all educational expenses in Cuba?


The education system is 100% subsidized by the government, meaning that Cuban students at all levels can attend school for free. The Cuban government has been investing a substantial part of its budget into education for many years.
Is the government i hope this help

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Los chistes sirven para hacer a la gente reir y alegrar sus vidas
Para que sirven los chistes in english means to serve the jokes.

Gramatica A, definite and indefinite articles


Los definite (the) and indefinite articles (a/an) son aquellos determinantes que especifican la identidad del nombre al que acompañan, es decir, nos indican si el elemento del que se habla es algo específico o inconcreto.

How do I conjugate correr by tu, usted, Nosotros , ellos/ellas



tu = corres

usted = corre

nosotros = corrimos

ellos/ellas = corren


Answer:tu corres, usted corre, nosotros corremos, ellos/ellas corren


What does circo mean in english? I have looked it up on Google and I'm pretty sure that's not the answer I'm looking for.. it has be some animal or something like that.


it means circus, sir :)


Do you mean the stuffed animal?
