Who invented high tops


Answer 1

Jane Sally York Rogan

Date : 1899-1954

I hope that's help !

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Read the excerpt from Thoughts and Sentiments.It is therefore manifest, that something else ought yet to be done; and what is required, is evidently the incumbent duty of all men of enlightened understanding, and of every man that has any claim or affinity to the name of Christian, that the base treatment which the African Slaves undergo, ought to be abolished; and it is moreover evident, that the whole, or any part of that iniquitous traffic of slavery, can no where, or in any degree, be admitted, but among those who must eventually resign their own claim to any degree of sensibility and humanity, for that of barbarians.Read the excerpt from Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, An African.I am sure you will applaud me for beseeching you to give one half hour's attention to slavery, as it is at this day practised in our West Indies.—That subject, handled in your striking manner, would ease the yoke (perhaps) of many—but if only of one—Gracious God!—what a feast to a benevolent heart!—and, sure I am, you are an epicurean in acts of charity.—You, who are universally read, and as universally admired—you could not failIn these excerpts, how is Cugoano’s purpose similar to Sancho’s purpose?A) Like Sancho, Cugoano is asking for someone’s help in passing on his message.B) Like Sancho, Cugoano is hoping that some of the Africans held in captivity will be released.C) Like Sancho, Cugoano is speaking out against the horrible practice of slavery.D) Like Sancho, Cugoano is trying to become a widely read writer and respected philosopher.
Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. When asked to spell the word, the girl correctly wrote down these letters R, A, I, and N. B. She repeated the letters of the word for: her neighbor, her mother, and her uncle. C. When given another word to spell, she wrote these letters: S, N, O, and W. D. The people who heard her were: her sister, her brother, and her aunt.
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Write a short story in 50 words to illustrate the proverb "Every bird likes its nest".


This old Chinese proverb symbolizes how humans like their own home more than any home in the world, referring to the humans as birds and home as the nest. A story that can illustrate it: “Arnold is a Brazilian who works as a chef in a boat. He is travelling almost all year and he met incredible people, ate tons of delicious food, saw beautiful landscapes but when it comes to choose, he always will choose going home with his family and have dinner all together”

Your home is yours. It can be as small as an acorn or as big as a planet. It can be quiet or loud. It can be just you or your whole family. No matter who, what, where, when, why or how – every bird likes its own nest the best.

Writ two or three sentences exploring how the presence of the students affected different individuals in the crowd in different ways. cites evidence from the ext in your sentences


To bring up (something), especially as an illustration or to support a viewpoint. The museum had frequently been used as a case study for effective fund-raising. She may have been present when the crime was committed, according to the evidence he stated.

Explain about the cites evidence?

To effectively and persuasively use evidence in a paragraph, follow this simple three-step process: Explain the main argument you wish to make utilizing the evidence after introducing it and stating it.

These techniques include direct quoting from a different source, paraphrasing or summarizing content, and citing a source's entirety.

You can mention your sources in a presentation in a few different ways: Give references both orally and on the final slide in a reference/works referenced list. On the final slide, include a reference/works referenced list in addition to in-text citations.

It's crucial to cite textual evidence because it forces readers to back up their ideas, inquiries, and assertions with solid proof rather than irrational beliefs.

To learn more about cites evidence refer to:




id love to help but it says to site evidence from the text and you didnt


Turn them into reported questions.example: 'Do you enjoy being famous?' Simon asked him if/whether he enjoyed being famous...

1. What is the best part of your job?
2. What do you find difficult about acting?
3. How many films have you starred in?
4. What is your favourite film?
5. Have you met many other famous people?
6. Where would you most like to make a film?
7. Have you visited many interesting places?
8. What are your plans for the future?
9. Are you happy with ur life?


Final answer:

When turning direct questions into reported questions, the sentence structure changes to embed the question into a statement. This approach is suitable for conveying responses from individuals, including those who are famous, in an indirect manner.


Transforming direct questions into reported questions requires a change in the structure of the sentence to embed the question into a statement. In the context of interviewing someone famous, reported questions can help to convey their responses indirectly and can be particularly useful in articles or reports. Below are examples of how to turn the provided direct questions into reported questions:

  • He asked what the best part of their job was.
  • He inquired what they found difficult about acting.
  • He questioned how many films they had starred in.
  • He wondered what their favourite film was.
  • He asked if they had met many other famous people.
  • He pondered where they would most like to make a film.
  • He queried whether they had visited many interesting places.
  • He asked about their plans for the future.
  • He asked if they were happy with their life.

Each of these reported questions provides an indirect way to relay the inquiry made, suitable for documenting interview responses or inclusive writing where the direct speech is not being used.

Learn more about Reported Questions here:



I would think it's nine because he probably would get the same answer from the actor

Four methods are available for you to _ the meaning of the word


There are about four methods, which are available in one's hands to denote the meaning of the word.

What indicates the meaning of the word?

The use of grammatical methods to replace the words in such a way that synonyms, phrases and other words to maintain the literal sense helps in indicating the meaning of the word.

Hence, the significance of denoting the meaning of a word is given above.

Learn more about meaning of the word here:



Answer: Denote would be the correct answer.

Explanation: be a sign of; indicate

I actually have 2 questions ..........what does haughtily mean ?
what does induce mean ?


Induce: to succeed in persuading 

Haughty: Arrogant 

Final answer:

Haughtily refers to behaving in an arrogantly superior manner while induce means to lead or influence someone or something towards a certain action or state.


The word haughtily is an adverb that describes someone acting in an arrogantly superior or disdainful manner. For example, if someone walks into a room and dismisses others' opinions without consideration, they might be described as acting haughtily.

The term induce is a verb which means to lead, move, or influence (someone or something) towards an action or state. For example, if a certain smell induces nostalgia, it means that the smell leads to or brings about feelings of nostalgia.

Learn more about Word Meanings here:



What might a strict person do


A strict person can do A LOT of stuff, especially if they are your parents. Strict parents will not let you:

NO using the internet without their high security supervision, no friend parties, no music, no bf or gf, no inviting friend to your house, no staying up late, STUDY ALL DAY, MUST have PERFECT grades, etc.

These are just a few things strict parents do

A strict person can do many things. Some stuff, for instance is that if your a parent, mom, you can force your kids into doing a lot of stuff. A way to do this is to yell at them, get mad. If you have strict parents then you can NEVER EVER do A LOT of stuff. Like you are NOT allowed to use the internet late at night. You NEVER will get a phone till you become indpenedt. you can't have gf or bf. You can't call your friends to your house. You will be accepted to study ALL day long. You can't listen to music. And you will be expected to get straight A's. These are just SOME stuff. there are way way more stuff. 

Hope i helped ya!! xD
Other Questions
Why did J.R.R. Tolkien write The Hobbit and other stories of Middle-earth? A. He wanted to add to legends that already existed about Middle-earth. B. He wanted to design a complex imaginary world in which he could set a large number of tales. C. He wanted to convince readers that Middle-earth was real and that the events of his stories truly happened. D. He wanted to record a factual history of the British Isles.2. Which best describes the main conflict of the novel A. Bilbo's friendship with Thorin prevents him from seeing Thorin's many flaws. B. Bilbo must overcome his fear of dwarves and rely on dwarves to help him. C. Bilbo has a fear of strangers, but he needs other people to help him accomplish his goals. D. Bilbo enjoys the comfort and safety of home, but he also desires the adventure of the quest. 3.Why does a conflict arise between the dwarves and the goblins? A. The goblins want to punish the dwarves for being friends with Gandalf, whom the goblins hate. B. The dwarves are angry that the goblins break their promise to let them sleep in the cave. C. The dwarves think that the goblins helped Smaug steal their treasure hoard. D. The goblins recognize that the sword Thorin carries is one that has been used to kill many of their kind. 4. (3 pt) How is the conflict between Bilbo and the dwarves resolved? A. The dwarves expect Bilbo to venture into Smaug's lair alone. B. The dwarves trust Bilbo and look to him for leadership. C. The dwarves decide that Bilbo is cheerful and friendly. D. The dwarves give Bilbo a share of the treasure. 5.Which is an example of stereotyping A. Other characters in the novel come to trust and admire Bilbo because of what he says and what he does. B. Some characters doubt that Bilbo can accomplish things because he is a hobbit. C. The dwarves respect Gandalf as an individual because of his powers and experience. D. Many figures in the novel celebrate their own culture but know little about the culture of others. 6. Read this passage: "…and Bilbo asked how things were going in the lands of the Mountain. It seemed that they were going very well. Bard had rebuilt the town in Dale and men had gathered to him from the Lake and from South and West, and all the valley had become tilled again and rich, and the desolation was now filled with birds and blossoms in spring and fruit and feasting in autumn." Which words best describe the mood this passage creates? A. confused and uncertain B. content and peaceful C. excited and eager D. mournful and angry