Which monosaccharide commonly found in all disaccharides?


Answer 1
Answer: galactose its formed when itis joined together

Answer 2
Answer: glucose is found in all disaccharides.Two glucose form maltose;glucose +fructose =sucrose and glucose + galactose= lactose.

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SELECT ALL THAT APPLYat STP conditions, 0.25 moles of CO2(g), H2(g), NH3(g)
1. Will contain the same number of molecules
2. Will contain the same number of atoms
3. Will occupy the same volume
4. Will have the same g.f.w


at STP conditions, 0.25 moles of CO2(g), H2(g), NH3(g)

The answers are:
1. Will contain the same number of molecules 
3. Will occupy the same volume

Answer: The correct answer is Option 1 and Option 3.


We are given:

0.25 moles of CO_2,H_2\text{ and }NH_3

STP conditions states that 1 mole of a gas occupies 22.4 L of volume.

The volume occupied by all the gases at STP will be 0.25* 22.4=5.6L

According to mole concept: 1 mole of a compound contains 6.022* 10^(23) number of molecules or 1 mole of an element contains 6.022* 10^(23) number of atoms.

We know that the given gases are compounds. Thus, all the three gases will have 0.25* 6.022* 10^(23)=1.5055* 10^(23) number of molecules.

Hence, the correct answer is Option 1 and Option 3.

According to the kinetic molecular theory, whichstatement describes the particles in a sample of an
ideal gas?
A. The particles are constantly moving in circular
B. The particles collide, decreasing the total energy
of the system.
C. The particles have attractive forces between them
D. The particles are considered to have negligible



D. The particles are considered to have negligible volume.


According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory for ideal gases

- Gases are composed of larges molecules which are in constant random motion in a straight line

- The volume of the gas particles is negligible compared to the total volume in which the gas is contained.

- The attractive and repulsive forces between gas molecules is insignificant ie There are no interactive forces.

- The collisions of the particles  are perfectly elastic and energy is being transferred between the particles but the total energy remaining constant

A triangular shaped body of water that forms where a stream in to the larger body of water is a


A triangular shaped body of water that forms where a stream in to the larger body of water is a delta.

Please take thetime to rate, pick the Brainliest answer (not necessarily mine!), and thank me if you feel Ihelped with this question! Thank you, it helps me a lot. :)

This triangular body of water is called a delta. It is shaped like the Greek letter delta and was coined by Herodotus, the father of history who lived from 484 to 425 BC by seeing the deltoid shape at the mouth of the Nile.

Deltas occur throughout the world except at the poles. They all have three things in common, namely:

1. The presence of a large catchment basin. The top 30 river deltas all have catchment basins.

2. They all are at the mouth of large river systems that carry large quantities of clastic sediments (soils or portions of rocks that have been moved by water from where they formed)

3. They are not found near geologically active coastlines. They take a long time to develop so they are very rarely situated on tectonically active coast.


The correct, chemically balanced equation for photosynthesis is: A. 12CO2 + 6H2O + RADIANT ENERGY -> C6H12O6 + 12O2. B. 6CO2 + 12H2O + RADIANT ENERGY -> C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2. C. 12O + C6H12O6 + 6H2O -> 6CO2 +12H2O + ENERGY. D. 12O2 + C6H12O6 + 12H2O -> 6CO2 + 12H2O + ENERGY. E. 6O2 + C6H12O6 + 6H2O -> 6CO2 + 12H2O + ENERGY.



The correct, chemically balanced equation for photosynthesis is: b. 6CO2+12H2O+radiant energy -> C6H12O6+ 6H2O+6O2


Photosynthesis is the synthesis of a compound which is more complex than CO2, O2 and H2O. It requires the presence of radiation/sunlight. Therefore, c, d, and e are incorrect. C6H12O6 is produced in the photosynthesis, not decomposed. O2 is generated in the photosynthesis. Analyzing both a and b, the only chemically balanced equation is b. The option a has an excess of carbon that is not reflected on the right side of the equation.

At room temperature, none of the metals area. soft.
b. liquids.
c. malleable.
d. gases.


Answer : At room temperature, none of the metals are gases.

Explanation :

The properties of metals are :

Generally all the metals are solid at room temperature but with exception, the mercury is liquid at room temperature.

Generally all the metals are hard but with the exception, sodium and potassium are soft and easily cut with the knife.

The metals are malleable, ductile, lustrous in nature.

Metals are good conductor or heat and electricity.

Hence, At room temperature, none of the metals are gases.

Answer: Option (d) is the correct answer.


It is known that most of the metals are solid at room temperature but with a few exceptions like mercury is a liquid at room temperature and sodium is a soft metal as it can be cut with a knife.

Also, metals are malleable in nature that is, they can be shaped into thin sheets.

But metals are never gases. Hence, we can conclude that at room temperature, none of the metals are gases.

"Contagion" Movie questions!I have a few questions about the movie.

1. What type of pathogenic agent was the disease and what was the name of it?
2. Dr. Ellis Cheever (played by Lawrence Fishburne) explains that the spread of the disease is dependent on factors such as "nutrition, underlying conditions, socioeconomic factors and access to clean drinking water." Explain the validity of this statement.
3. Explain the irony of the following statement made by Dr. Cheever
" Shaking hands was a way of showing someone you werent carrying a weapon in the old days"


1. The pathogenic disease in "Contagion" was called Nipah. It was a combination of a flue and a virus, which caused respiratory disease and inflammation of the brain.

2. Cheever's statement is valid because flus/viruses can spread/caught by not taking care of your body (aka poor nutrition), and people who are in a lower socioeconomic class may not have the resources to prevent or fight off these sicknesses with proper vaccinations and medicine.

3. Cheever's statement is ironic because in the movie, shaking hands became a way of spreading Nipah. He's referring to biological warfare.

Final answer:

The movie 'Contagion' features a virus called MEV-1 that spreads based on factors like nutrition, underlying conditions, socioeconomic factors, and clean drinking water. Dr. Cheever's statement about these factors' influence on disease spread is valid, and the irony lies in the fact that shaking hands, once a symbol of trust, can actually spread diseases.


1. The pathogenic agent in the movie 'Contagion' was a virus called MEV-1.

2. Dr. Ellis Cheever's statement about the spread of the disease is valid. Nutrition, underlying conditions, socioeconomic factors, and access to clean drinking water can all affect a person's immune system and ability to fight off infections.

3. The irony in Dr. Cheever's statement is that shaking hands, which was once seen as a sign of trust and nonviolence, can actually spread diseases like the one depicted in the movie.

Learn more about Pathogenic agent here:
