Which literary movement was stylistically rooted in political pamphlets, highly ornate writing, and rhetoric?A)
abolition of slavery, locol color, and man's lack of control over his fate


Answer 1
Answer: Rationalism was the literary movement stylistically rooted in political pamphlets, highly ornate writing, and rhetoric.

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What characteristics describe japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints?


Here is the correct answer of the given question above would the Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock prints. The characteristics that describe the Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock prints is that, they have highly textured details and lots of colors. Hope this answer helps. 

Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints are characterized by the "floating world" (ukiyo), capturing the daily life and pleasures of the common people, including geisha, kabuki actors, landscapes, and historical events.

Ukiyo-e prints are known for their vibrant colors, intricate details, and fine line work achieved through the woodblock printing process. They commonly employ the use of multiple blocks for different colors and shading.

Ukiyo-e prints often exhibit a flattened perspective with a focus on stylized and expressive representations rather than strict realism. The prints played a significant role in popularizing art among the general public during the Edo period in Japan.

Learn more about Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints here:



Sandomir was reluctant when his sister, and aunt asked him to accompany them to the opera, but soon he became enchanted by the lavish sets, and passionate singing.How should the author revise this sentence for correct punctuation?
Sandomir was reluctant when his sister and aunt asked him to accompany them to the opera, but soon he became enchanted, by the lavish sets and passionate singing.
Sandomir was reluctant when his sister and aunt asked him to accompany them to the opera, but soon he became enchanted by the lavish sets and passionate singing.
Sandomir was reluctant when his sister and aunt asked him, to accompany them to the opera, but soon he became enchanted by the lavish sets, and passionate singing.
Sandomir was reluctant when his sister and aunt asked him to accompany them to the opera but soon he became enchanted by the lavish sets and passionate singing.



B.  Sandomir was reluctant when his sister and aunt asked him to accompany them to the opera, but soon he became enchanted by the lavish sets and passionate singing.


The best version of the given sentence is version B. There are two mistakes in the original sentence:

  • Sandomir was reluctant when his sister, and aunt asked him to accompany them to the opera, but soon he became enchanted by the lavish sets, and passionate singing.

The highlighted commas should be omitted. When only two things are listed and connected by a coordinating conjunction such as and, the conjunction shouldn't be preceded by a comma.

The only comma that should be used in the sentence is the one before but. But is a coordinating conjunction. When coordinating conjunctions are used to connect two independent clauses, like in this case, they should always be preceded by a comma.

The sounding of two or more musical notes at the same time in a way that is pleasant or desired is called rhythmnocturneharmonymelody .


rhythm is to do with beat, nocturne is a short composition, melody is tune. harmony is, for example, singing a slightly different melody to the main melody which fits in with the main melody.


the answer is harmony.


bach, "the father of harmony" is the one who invented harmony. he played the most important in the counterpoint works and established a new way pf music called harmony.

The Classical era was named in part because of a renewed dedication to the classicism of ancient Greece and Rome.True





    Studies on the history of Western music are generally divided into six periods: medieval, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic and contemporary. The highlight of this edition is the period from approximately 1750 to 1810, called Classicism. At the beginning of this period, the center of European music was concentrated in the region of Germany and from there comes a style inspired by the ideals of Ancient Greece.

This question is truly true

Which art movement was the invention of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque?Orphism


Cubism was the art movement invention of Pablo Picasso and Geroges Braque 




An object that begins to vibrate in response to outside vibration displays:





I don't know why you listed this question as "Art". It's more related to Physics because, in Physics, resonance is the phenomenon in which an external force drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at specific frequencies, known as resonant frequencies or natural frequencies of the system. Anyway, there is the answer.

It depends on the exact field you're referring to (you categorized this under Arts, which is a bit confusing), but one answer could be resonance.
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