Whenever the motion of an object change,____ has been applied.


Answer 1

Whenever the motion (speed or direction) of an object changes, we say that acceleration has occurred.  From Newton's First Law of Motion, we know that force has been applied to the object.

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Mechanical Advantage is 2


M.A = length of ramp / height of ramp

= 2/1


What is the difference between mass and weight in Physical Science?


Mass is a property of a lump of matter.  It goes wherever the lump goes,
and it doesn't depend on what else may be nearby.

Weight is the force of gravity between a lump of matter and some other
mass.  Since it depends on what else may be nearby, it can be different in
different places.

This is the correct answer in Physical Science.  It's also the correct answer
in Biology, Math, Political Science, and Comparative Middle Eastern Religions.

mass is how much matter is in an object
wieght is  a body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing.

Ele is playing with a ball in a bus that moves in a straight line with constant velocity What can you say about the motion of the body in the movingbus if Elle throws the ball vertically upwards?



The ball will fall back and land to Elle's hands.


The bus move in a straight line with constant velocity means that there is no change of direction and no acceleration. Inertia can change the direction of the ball and acceleration can change its velocity. Since these two factors is not present in this scenario, the ball only has vertical movement. Thus the ball will land where it was thrown, in Elle's hands.

Correct Answer:

The ball will fall back to Elle's

Plz help will give brainliest and 85 points and u can answer one at a time if u wantplz hurry
E. If you knew the pressure, volume, and temperature of the helium in the balloon, what equation would you use to determine its number of moles? (2 points)
F. Your friend's mom has a great new car. What type of device does it use to move? Describe how this device operates, in terms of the second law of thermodynamics. (3 points)
G. The heat is getting to your friend. You start to share your iced drink with her, but the ice has disappeared! What phase change did the ice cubes undergo? What happened to the ice's molecules during this phase change? If the drink continued to heat, what would be its next phase change? (3 points)
H. Did the entropy of the ice cubes increase or decrease over time? Explain your answer, including a definition of entropy. (3 points)
6.A. The following is a nuclear equation for which type of decay process? (1 point)
235 92 U --> 4 2 He + 231 90 Th
B. Describe this type of decay process. What are the other two types of decay? How are the types of decay different? (4 points)
C. What is the name for the length of time of a decay process? How can this be used to calculate the amount of a radioactive element, compared to its original amount? (4 points)
7.A. Describe Einstein's famous equation, E = mc2, using two well-known conservation laws. Give an example of when you would use this equation. (4 points)
B. Describe fission and fusion. Explain how Einstein's equation relates to the concepts of fission and fusion. (5 points)
8. Describe an alternative energy source that involves the earth. (2 points)


E) The number of moles of the helium of the balloon can be found by using the ideal gas law, which states:
where p is the gas pressure, V is the gas volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant and T the gas temperature. Since we know p,V and T of the gas, we can find the number of moles n by re-arranging the equation:
n= (pV)/(RT)

F) The car uses an internal combustion engine. In an internal combustion engine, the fuel (gasoline) burns releasing heat, which moves the pistons of the engine. The motion of the pistons is then converted into motion of the wheels of the car. 
The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system can never decrease. If we take the engine as an isolated system, the this law applied also to it. In fact, at the beginning the engine containes fuel, which has a certain degree of "order" (entropy). When the fuel burns, the chemical bonds of the fuel are converted into heat, which has a higher degree of "disorder" (=more entropy) than the initial state. 

G1) The ice cubes in the drink undergo melting: they go from solid state into liquid state (water).
G2) Since the temperature of the ice cubes is lower than the temperature of the surrounding liquid drink, the drink releases heat to the ice cubes. This heat makes the molecules of the ice cubes to vibrate faster and faster, eventually breaking the bonds between the molecules. When this occurs, the ice cubes start melting.
G3) If the drink continues to heat, it will undergo evaporation, which is the transition between the liquid state and the gas state. This transition occurs when the energy given to the molecules of the drink is large enough to remove the intermolecular forces between the molecules of the liquid, allowing them to escape from each other.

H) Entropy is the amount of thermal energy of a system (per unit temperature) which cannot be used to do work. In practise, the entropy of a system gives a measure of the degree of "disorder" of a system. When the ice cubes melt, the entropy of the system (the ice cubes) increases, because they move from a state with higher degree of "order" (the solid state) to a state with lower degree of "order" (the liquid state).

A) This nuclear equation is an example of alpha-decay, where an unstable nucleus (uranium-235) decays into a daughter nucleus (thorum-231) releasing an alpha particle (a nucleum of helium, consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons). 

B) The other three types of decay are:
- beta minus decay: in an unstable nucleus, a neutron decays into a proton, releasing a fast moving electron and an antineutrino. Following this decay, the atomic number of the nucleus increases by 1 unit while its mass number remains the same
- beta plus decay: in an unstable nucleus, a proton decays into a neutron, releasing a fast moving positron and a neutrino. Following this decay, the atomic number of the nucleus decreases by 1 unit while its mass number remains the same
- gamma decay: a nucleus in excited states decays to its ground state by emitting a gamma photon, whose energy is equal to the difference in energy between the two nuclear levels.

C) The length of time of a decay process is usually expressed by using the concept of half life. The half life of a substance is the time it takes for the substance to decrease to half of its original amount. The equation that gives the amount left of a substance at time t is given by:
m(t) = m_0 e^{- (t)/(t_(1/2))
where m0 is the original mass of the substance,and t_(1/2) is the half life.

7B1) In nuclear fusion, two smaller nuclei combine together (fuse) to form a new larger nucleus. An example of this process is the hydrogen-to-helium fusion, which occurs inside the stars, where two nuclei of hydrogen (one proton each) fuse together to form a nucleus of helium-4. In the nuclear fusion process, the sum of the masses of the initial nuclei is larger than the mass of the final nucleus, so the mass lost in the process has converted into energy, according to Einstein's formula: E=mc^2.
7B2) In nuclear fission, a nucleus of a heavy element absorbs a slow moving neutron, becoming unstable and decaying into smaller nuclei. An example of this process is the fission of uranium-235, which occurs inside nuclear power plants on Earth. In the process, uranium-235 decays into lighter nuclei and many neutrons, which are used to further induce other fission reactions with other nuclei of uranium-235. In the nuclear fission, the mass of the initial nucleus is greater than the masses of the final products, so the mass lost in the process has been converted into energy according to Einstein's formula: E=mc^2

8) An alternative energy source that involves the Earth is wind power: the air flows through turbines, which are put in motion by the wind. The motion of the turbines is then converted into electrical energy.
exactly what he said 

What the core muscles do and why it's important to have a strong set of core muscles.



The core muscles stabilize and protect the spine. They help control all movements and make it possible for us humans to walk and stand up right. The core helps us transfer energy, shift our body weight and reach/move in different directions. It is important to have a strong set of core muscles because it makes everyday activities easier. 


Horizontal rows are called ( )and represent ( ) levels.
() are why I need answers plz



1. Periods; that are what horizontal rows on a periodic table are called.

2. Each period represents the number of levels
