Which of the following is NOT one of the four common causes for people falling and hurting themselves in the automotive repair industry: A) Slick floors B) Cluttered floors C) Banana peels D) Stairs and ladders


Answer 1


Banana peels is NOT one of the four common causes for people falling and hurting themselves in the automotive repair industry


Automotive repair industries provide mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance for a variety of vehicles, including cars, trucks, vans and trailers. In this type of industry most common causes of falling hurting of employees can be the slick floors, cluttered floors and ladders or stairs which workers can use during work. Banana peels are one of the cases which can occur on road sides or streets so it is not the cause.

Answer 2

Answer by YourHope:

Which of the following is NOT one of the four common causes for people falling and hurting themselves in the automotive repair industry:

C) Banana peels


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all cacti in the same area     just took the test



all of the fire ants.

Explanation: i took the quiz

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Justin is looking at two chromosomes that have identical alleles for a particular trait. These chromosomes would be considered "____" chromosomesA. heterozygous
B. homozygous
C. petit
D. queue


The correct option is B.

Chromosomes can be classified as either homozygous or heterozygous based on the similarities between two alleles. A homozygous chromosome refers to a chromosome that have identical alleles on both homologous chromosomes. When the trait is dominant, it is represented by two capital letters; when the trait is recessive, it is represented by two lower case letters.

When the identical alleles are present on two chromosomes for a particular trait, the chromosomes are said to be homozygous.  

Further Explanation:

The extent to which the genetic sequence of both the copies of a gene is the same is called zygosity. It can also be considered as the percentage of similarity the alleles have in an organism. The eukaryotes are mostly diploid in nature which implies that they contain chromosomes in a matching pair. In a diploid organism, the homologous chromosomes are present on the same loci but the two chromosomes can differ in the sequences at the loci. When both the alleles are the same in a diploid organism, then the organism is said to be homozygous. On the other hand, if the alleles differ in the nucleotide sequence, they are called heterozygous.

Different individuals have different DNA sequences for the same gene. These differences in the sequences form different forms of the same gene called alleles. Some genes have just one allele as any deviation in the allelic sequence might be fatal, while some other genes have more than one allele. The frequency of these alleles varies among a population. Two alleles might have an equal distribution in the population or one allele might be very common, making the other allele rare. The alleles are inherited from each parent which pair up in the zygote. The zygosity describes whether the two alleles are the same or different in their DNA sequences.

When two chromosomes contain the same copies of the alleles, they are called homologous chromosomes and the organism is termed as homozygous. An individual can be homozygous-dominant or homozygous-recessive depending on whether it has dominant or recessive copies of the alleles. The homozygous-dominant individual will express the dominant phenotypic traits while the individual who is homozygous-recessive will have a recessive trait.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about meiosis brainly.com/question/1600165

2. Learn more about the process of molecular diffusion in a cell brainly.com/question/1600165

3. Learn more about human sperm and egg cell brainly.com/question/1626319

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Zygosity

Subject: Biology


zygosity, homozygous, heterozygous, homologous chromosomes, genes, allele, DNA, nucleotide sequence, dominant, recessive, trait.  

How do pockets increase a lungĀ“s surface area?



many alveoli are present in the lungs with a shape that further increases surface area. Thin walls - alveolar walls are one cell thick providing gases with a short diffusion distance. Moist walls - gases dissolve in the moisture helping them to pass across the gas exchange surface.


Gene is investigating what makes bread moldy. He put two identical slices of bread on separate plates. He made one slice moist and kept the other slice dry. He left the uncovered plates on a table for 2 hours. Then, he sealed them in plastic bags and put them in a dark, warm place. He looked at them each day for five days. After five days, he observed that 50 percent of the moist slice was moldy, and none of the dry slice was moldy. If Gene observed the slices for three more days, what would he most likely observe?


The answer is: There will be more mold on the moist slice and still none of the dry slice.

Molds belong to the kingdom Fungi. They are multicellular fungi consisting of multicellular filaments (hyphae). For growth, all molds need moist surface. This is the reason why in Gene's experiment, the only moist slice of bread was moldy. They have short life cycle, so 5 days were enough for molds to cover 50% of moist slice. Extended period of time will allow molds to spread more through moist surface if the surface remain moist.