What is the main purpose of the Los Topos organization?a) to give time to help people
b) to provide donations to help in a natural disaster
c) to train to help in a time of crisis
d) to rescue victims of a natural disaster


Answer 1

The answer is letter d) to rescue victims of a natural disaster. Their area of expertise is looking for people who are trapped under heavy debris. Though they are based in Mexico City and volunteers are trained rescue strategies, disaster risk management and other related fields.

Answer 2

The Answer is...

D. To rescue victims of natural disaster

Hope this helps :)

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How to say hi in Spanish


hola is hi in spanish
Hola is 'hi' in Spanish




1. algunos muchachos

2. una chaqueta

3. los vaqueros

4. un apartamento

5. algunos maestros(as)

6. los zapatos

7. el sombrero

8. una casa

9. las doctoras

10. la tarea

11. algunas mujeres

12. un vestido

13. la bolsa

14. el cuaderno

15. un dia

16. las camisas

17. algunos gatos

18. la ciudad

19. las noches

20. algunos(as) familias

21. el mundo

22. una sección

23. los hombres

24. algunos(as) amigos(as)

The one above is right ^^^^

Complete the following sentences:1. ______ Adela_________(encantar) la música de Tito "El Bambino".
2. A______me______(interesar) la música de otros países.
3. A mis amigos___________(encantar) las canciones (songs) de Calle 13.
4. A Juan y________Rafael no les_______(molestar) la música alta (loud).
5. _________nosotros____________(fascinar) los grupos de pop latino.
6. __________señor Ruiz__________(interesar) más la música clásica.
7. A_________me________________(aburrir) la música clásica.
8. ¿A________te____________(faltar) dinero para el concierto de Carlos Santana?
9. No. Ya compré el boleto y________(quedar) cinco dólares.
10. ¿Cuánto dinero te_________(quedar) a____________?




Los verbos pronominales se usan para expresar que muchas veces la acción afecta al sujeto. Se conjugan empleando los pronombres me, te, se, nos, os, se dependiendo de las personas. Aunque generalmente son verbos intransitivos, puede haber excepciones (lavarse, mirarse, verse) en las que ambos el sujeto y el objeto son los mismos.

1. Adela le encanta la música de....
2. A mi me interesa la música de otro países.
3. A mis amigos les encanta las canciones...
4. A Juan y Rafael no les molesta la música alta...
5. A nosotros nos fascina los grupos de pop latino.

Can a triangle have one obtuse angle and one right angle? Explain.


no, because the interior angles of A triangle equal 180 degrees. it has to have 3 angles to be a triangle... a right angle is 90 degrees, and an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees. which means that you would have a triangle with more than 180 degrees, which we know you can't have.

Answer: No a triangle cannot have a right angle and an obtuse angle.

Explanation: It would violate the theorem of the sum of the interior angles of a triangle summing up to 180 degrees. We know that sum of all interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. If we assume that one angle is right angle of 90 degrees and other angle be obtuse angle of x such that x> 90 degrees.  Sum of the 2 angles is then 90+x>180 degrees. It cannot be possible due to equation. Therefore our initial assumption of x>90 degrees is incorrect and so the statement is false by the method of indirect proof.


May someone help me



The first question would be: Hoy es lunes veintiocho

Second would be: Hoy es lunes, 28 de Septiembre de 2020.

Third is asking what is the weather lie today? So for that, you would answer En mi opinion hace calor for, In my opinion it is hot and En mi opinion hace frío for, In my opinion, it is cold and then En mi opinion es agradable fuera for, In my opinion, it is nice outside.

For the conjugation square:

Ser in yo form is soy, and Tener in yo form is tengo.

Ser in tu form is eres, and tener in yo form is tienes

Ser in usted form is es, and tener in usted form is tiene

Ser in el/ella form is es, and tener in el/ella form is tiene

Ser in nosotros form is somos, and tener in nosotros form is tenemos

And Ser in ellos/ellas/uds is son, and tener in ellos/ellas/uds is tienen

yo means I

tu means your


What is suspense?A) Sadness because of a tragic occurrence in a story

B) Use of flashbacks to give the reader background information

C) Anxiety and uncertainty about what will happen next

D) Use of words to mean something other than their literal meaning



C) Anxiety and uncertainty about what will happen next


Answer: C

Explanation: Suspence is made to make people wonder and doubt, which is what uncertainty is as well as anxiety.