Which kind of information is known about a person if that person’s DNA is in a database? A. how old the person isB. where the person was probably born
C. some diseases the person might have
D. whether the person is likely to commit a crime


Answer 1
Answer: the kind of information that we could know about a person if that person's DNA is in a database is : C. sme diseases the person might have Some diseases are proven to because by the passed DNA during reproduction process without any external factors. Example of these diseases are : sicle cell anemia and colorblindess
Answer 2
Answer: The correctt answer is C. some diseases the person might have on e2020.

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Do you hear sound as soon as it's made? explain?


No you don't.  After the sound is made, it has to travel
to your ears before you can hear it. 

The speed of sound in air is about 340 meters per second. 
That's about 760 miles per hour.  That sounds awfully fast, but
it means that it takes sound almost 5 seconds to cover 1 mile.

Sometimes when you're outside, you might see a neighbor
down the street doing some carpentry outside his house, or
you may see some workers putting a new roof on a house nearby. 
If you have this opportunity, watch their hammers carefully. 

Light travels much much much much much faster than sound ...
about 874 thousand times as fast as sound.  So you see things
just about as soon as they happen, but it takes the sound a while
to reach you.  If the distance is about 34 meters (about 110 feet)
or more, then you can start to see the difference ... you'll see the
hammer hit, and then you'll hear it.  The farther the distance is,
the longer the delay is.

The same thing happens at a baseball game when the batter
connects.  Firstyou see the ball hit the bat and fly away, and
thenyou hear the CRACK !

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earth would be thrown off its balance and nature would be in danger of too many resources and not enough resources 
it would be very bad earth wouldve felled

A child holds up a silver spoon and is surprised to see her reflection there. Which interaction between light and matter explains this?

When light hits something relatively flat, smooth, and shiny, it is transmitted by the surface, allowing nearby objects to be seen on the surface.

When light hits something relatively flat, smooth, and shiny, it is refracted by the surface, allowing nearby objects to be seen on the surface.

When light hits something relatively flat, smooth, and shiny, it bounces off the surface, allowing reflected objects to be seen on the surface.

When light hits something relatively flat, smooth, and shiny, it is absorbed by the surface, allowing refracted objects to be seen on the surface.


The answer to your question is B. When light hits something relatively flat, smooth and shiny, it is reflected by the surface, allowing nearby objects to be seen on the surface.
the answer is B.When light hits something relatively flat, smooth, and shiny, it is refracted by the surface, allowing nearby objects to be seen on the surface. 

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astronomers named the planet Kepler-186f

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1. applied research2. basic research
3. control
4. dependent variable
5. empirical evidence
6. hypothesis
7. independent variable
Need definitions



Applied Research: It is a research conducted to find solutions for specific problems in a particular field of studies. Example, health effects on food that are genetically modified.

Basic research: It is basic research on any field to have a clear understanding of something from the existing knowledge. Example, the study on evolution of the living organisms.

Control:  To increase the reliability of the result the scientific experiments decrease the number of variables (depending factors) in the experiment.

Dependent variable: This is a variable that determines the outcome of the result of an experiment depending on the independent variables. For example,  stress influence the heart rate. Heart rate is a dependent variable.

Empirical evidence: It is the collection of scientific facts directly or indirectly. These facts support the scientific nature of the research. For example,  measuring temperature, water freezing at a particular temperature and pressure.

Hypothesis: It is an explanation or assumption of a phenomenon based on limited empirical evidence. This is the first step of the research.

Independent variable: This is a variable that the experimenter has control to change. For example, stress influence the heart rate. Stress is an independent variable.

A water balloon was dropped from a high window and struck its target 1.1 seconds later. If the balloon left the person's hand at -5.0 m/sec, what was its velocity on impact?


The acceleration of gravity on Earth is 9.8 meters per second every second.  So
in 1.1 second of falling, an object gains (9.8 x 1.1) = 10.78 meters per second of
downward speed.

The balloon was already falling at 5 m/sec when the time began, and it gained
another 10.78 m/sec on the way.  So at the end of 1.1 second, its downward
speed was (5.0 + 10.78) = 15.78 m/sec.

Its velocity was 15.78 m/sec downward.