What are some similarities between heat and temperature?


Answer 1
Answer: Answer
Heat is a form of energy while temperature is the measure or degree of coldness or hotness of a substance, place or something.
The similarities between heat and temperature are:
1. Heat causes the temperatures to raise. This means that it is the heat energy that causes temperatures to change.
2. Both heat and temperatures can be measured by specific units. Heat is measured in joules while temperature is measured in kelvin.  
Answer 2

By definition, we have:


Energy that is manifested by an increase in temperature and comes from the transformation of other energies; is originated by the vibratory movements of the atoms and the molecules that form the bodies


The temperature is a magnitude referred to the common notions of heat measurable by a thermometer. In physics, it is defined as a scalar quantity related to the internal energy of a thermodynamic system

Some similarities are:

1) The more heat there is, the higher the temperature.

2) The less heat there is, the lower the temperature.

3) Mathematically the heat and the temperature difference between two points are proportional.

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According to the law of refraction, light passing from air into a piece of glass at an angle of 30 degrees will cause the light to



bend toward the normal line


When light passes from a less dense to a more dense substance, (for example passing from air into water), the light is refracted (or bent) towards the normal.   In your question the light is moving from rarer to denser medium

Final answer:

Upon refracting from air to glass, light will bend towards the normal line, reducing the angle of incidence due to the principle of Snell's Law, which governs how light refracts between media. However, the exact refracted angle cannot be determined without the refractive indices of air and glass.


According to the Law of Refraction, also known as Snell's Law, light changes direction when it passes from one medium to another due to a change in speed, which is determined by the mediums' refractive indices. When light passes from air (a medium with a lower refractive index) into glass (a medium with a higher refractive index), it bends towards the normal line, the imaginary line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence.

Given that the angle of incidence is 30 degrees, following the formula of Snell's law: n₁ sin θ₁ = n₂ sin θ₂ where  n₁ and n₂ are the refractive indices of air and glass, and θ₁ and θ₂ are the angles of incidence and refraction, we could solve for θ₂ which will be the angle of refraction in glass. However without information of refractive indices of air and glass, an exact angle cannot be determined.

In summary, the light ray will bend towards the normal upon entering the glass, hence decreasing the angle of incidence, according to the Law of Refraction or Snell's Law.

Learn more about Law of Refraction here:



Which tool would you use to measure the height of a cube of metal


It depends on the size of the cube, but you could use a ruler for almost any size, or if it is small enough, you could use a caliper to get a very precise measurement.
it really depends on the size.. if its huge i would use a meter ruler, if it is small use a reguler ruler... 

As the mass and volume increases, the densit will
Increase, decrease, or remain the same


We can't tell from the information given.

Density is the RATIO of mass to volume.  So, if mass and volume both
increase but their ratio decreases, then the density decreases.

But if mass and volume both increase and their ratio also increases,
then the density increases.


-- Start with a pile of some kind of substance.
    Mass = 150 grams
    Volume = 100 cm³

    Density = (mass) / (volume) = (150 gm)/(100cm³)  =  1.5 gm/cm³

-- Add 50 grams of mass.  Mass = 200 gm.
    Add 50 cm³ of volume.  Volume = 150cm³.

     Density = (mass) / (volume) = (200 gm)/(150 cm³)  =  1.33 gm/cm³.
                                                                                  Density decreased.

-- To the original pile, add 100 grams of mass.  Mass = 250 gm.
                               add 50 cm³ of volume.  Volume= 150 cm³.

     Density = (mass) / (volume) = (250 gm)/(150 cm³)  =  1.67 gm/cm³.
                                                                            Density increased.

-- To the original pile, add 60 grams of mass.  Mass = 210 gm.
                               add 40 cm³ of volume.  Volume = 140 cm³.

   Density = (mass) / (volume) = (210 gm)/(140 cm³)  =  1.5 gm/cm³.
                                                                         Density no change.
                                                                 Same as the original pile.

A graduated plank of length 90cm sits on a knife edge at 40cm mark. When a load of 50g is placed at 20cm, find the mass that will balance the plank at 70cm length.



33.3 g ≈ 33 g


Please see attached photo for explanation.

From the attached photo, M is the mass that we must obtain to balance the plank.

The mass, M can be obtained as follow:

Anticlockwise moment = clockwise moment

Anticlockwise moment = 50 x 20

Clockwise moment = M x 30

Anticlockwise moment = clockwise moment

50 x 20 = M x 30

Divide both side by 30

M = (50 x 20)/30

M = 33.3 g ≈ 33 g

Therefore, the mass that will balanced the plank at the 70 cm length is appropriately 33 g

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It would take (16 m) / (102 m/s) = 0.157 second.

The reason it would take such a short time is that
102 m/s is the same as roughly 228 miles per hour.

If a window is double glazed rather than single glazed there is less condensation on the inside of the glass. Explain why.


Because it tends to be hotter inside therefore when the cold air hits the inside of the glass, the cold glass makes it condense however outside its cold therefore it does condense on the outside of the window