Mary is worried because dementia is common in her family. She does not want to get that disease. What can she do to decrease her risk?A) Watch fitness videos to learn new technique
B) Eat balanced meals without excercise
C) Preform at least moderate intensity excercise regularly
D) Preform low intensity excercise each week


Answer 1


C) Preform at least moderate intensity excercise regularly


Dementia is a disease that causes memory loss, disorientation in time and space, lack of concentration and impaired thinking. It is common in the elderly, but may manifest before that. To prevent this, it is recommended that people exercise regularly, with moderate load, except for older people who should practice low load exercise. When the body exercises, muscle tissue releases the irisin hormone, which circulates in the body and is able to improve cognitive ability. Therefore, the third alternative is correct.

Answer 2
Answer: I would say C, preform at least moderate intensity exercise regularly.

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A. Antibiotic Ointment

Benzoin is not for cleaning wounds, aloe vera is for soothing burns, and witch hazel is an astrigent lotion.

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Malpracticesuits describes an official report made with respect to a wrongdoing made by the accused. The advantages of filing a malpractice suit against healthprofessionals include :

  • Holds them responsible for their actions, hence, enabling them to show more professionalism and ethics while carrying out their duties.

  • Establishes that no one is above the law except those who follow the rules.

The disadvantages include :

  • The loss of precious time as health professional may be needed for emergencies.

  • Lack of concentration may creep in due to an ongoing suit, leading to unstable state of mind which is dangerous and lead to casualty of patients.

Learn more :


- Doctors are more careful and clients receive better health care.

- In the event of true malpractice, action can be taken.

- Doctors require more training and practice bedside manner. 


- Costs hospitals lots of money.

- Takes away valuable time from doctors.

- Easiness and large settlement deals provide incentive to file malpractice suits.

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Conflictis happens when either one of the individuals have misunderstanding, in thiscase, possibly, your friend and you. Avoiding these makes the relationship growweaker as the conflict of the two individuals becomes higher and moremisunderstandings will be made. It is better to face it and together getresponsible with it.

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i think the answer is self awareness. 99.9% sure ;)
but hat 0.01% might mess you up so be careful^.^

What is a communicable disease?


some of the communicable disease are some of them that could be contagious. 
Here is a list of some communicable dieases:

Ebola, Flu, HIV/AIDS, Measles, Rabies, STD's,
Tuberculosis, West Nile Virus, Zika

Yulia is twenty-four years old. She has been fit and lean her whole life and recently has begun to put on an unhealthy amount of weight. She goes to her doctor because she is not eating any differently than she has before, yet she is now heavier. What will Yulia’s doctor most likely tell her?


Answer: A

Adults need fewer calories than kids and teens, so she needs to eat less.


a. Adults need fewer calories than kids and teens, so she needs to eat less.
