Adults still having all their teeth would have a total of _____permanent teeth


Answer 1

An adult should have a full set of 32 permanent teeth.

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Any adaptation gives the animal more of a advantage to produce more young. animals can reduce completion between animals eating similar foods.
Does this help?
It will enable them to specialize in obtaining food, shelter, and resources

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Metabolism is a process that helps in chemical transformations within the cells of all living organisms. Metabolism actually helps an organism to grow, reproduce, and respond to the changes in the environment and also to maintain their own structure. Metabolism can also be divided into two parts and they are anabolism and catabolism. Without metabolism it is not possible for any organism to survive.

Cellular respiration involves a series of chemical reactions. The enzymes increase the rate of the reactions. The reactions that are catalysed by enzymes actually helps the organism to grow, respond to various changes in the environment, reproduce and continue maintaining their own structures. Cellular respiration is also considered a part of the metabolism process. This process actually helps in carrying the oxygen through the blood.

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hi there !!

it would be allergies because allergens are the plants and animals itself while on the other hand allergies is the name of the " disease " 

-have a wonderful day :)

The Answer is Allergies

Please answer I need answers.


Howdy partner!

The answer is D. You wouldnt want someone that is Unfair and prejudiced as your mentor.


If you name is Lexie say happy birthday idk what I’m doing


start answering ppl questions to helping them if u don't have any homework question

No thanks big man I don’t want to

What is the uvula in a human mouth used for? if you can include a picture that would help.


When you swallow, the uvula and the soft palate move close to the nasopharynx, preventing food from entering the nasal cavity. If this process fails, it will result in nasal regurgitation

Hope This Helps :)
The uvula in a human mouth makes sure that none of the food one eats gets into the nose. This happens while a person is swallowing the food.